Big Witch Energy - Kelly Jamieson Page 0,78

my apps, so I show them and they are gratifyingly impressed. After Saige and Ashlyn leave, Felise orders another bottle of wine.

“I’ll be too drunk to get home,” I complain.

“It’s time for you to learn teleporting,” Felise says.

I gape at them. “That’s a thing?”

“Yes, but it’s very advanced.”

“Oh my god, that’s the best thing in the world!”

“You have to choose when to use it,” Magan cautions. “We’ll come with you the first time.”

“Okay! Pour me another glass!”

“You were so brave today,” Magan says, filling my glass. “I’m envious of your strength.”

“Are you kidding me? I was a wreck! And you two are both strong. Trace said—” I stop.

“What?” They both look at me.

“Oh. Um. Trace said that being afraid is a reaction but being brave is a decision.”

“Wow. He’s wise.” Felise purses her lips. “Did you tell him about doing this?”

“Er, yes. But not about everyone else coming with me.”

“He’s probably already heard.” Magan grins. “The witch grapevine is speedy.”

My phone buzzes, and I pick it up. Trace. Biting my lip, I turn my phone facedown and set it back on the table.

“I hope he doesn’t get in any more trouble,” Felise says. “It’s bad enough they threatened to take away his powers last time.”

I choke on my prosecco. “They what?”

“After your interview. Ziggy called him.”

“I know that, but… take away his powers?”

“Yeah… he didn’t mention that?” Felise covers her mouth.

“No! Good God. He said they were upset. I was upset that they called him. But… holy shit, that seems excessive!”

“They won’t do it,” Magan says calmly, but her eyes watch me with interest.

“That’s terrible!” My gaze bounces around the room. Heat slides up into my face, and I tug on the collar of my shirt. My breath comes in short rushes. I can’t believe this. I reach for my phone, then stop myself. “And it’s all my fault!” I press my hands to my hot face. “This is so bad.”

“It’s okay,” Felise says. “Trace doesn’t blame you.” She frowns. “I don’t think he does.”

“Well, he should. I’ve messed up so many things, but this is the worst.” I meet their eyes. “He was totally supportive of me and what I wanted to say.” I drag in a shaky breath as it hits me. “Even if it made things worse for him.” Tears spring to the corners of my eyes. “Oh no.”

Felise and Magan exchange a look, then face me again. “What’s going on with you two?” Felise asks quietly.

“Nothing!” I swipe a finger below my eyes. “He’s just been so good to me, and… and…” I sniff. I can’t cry now. “I feel terrible.”

They shouldn’t know about us. Obviously, they suspect something. Should I tell them?

They’re my sisters. Lying or avoiding things isn’t the way to build a relationship with someone. But… Trace. He doesn’t want them to know.

I slump in my seat and let my head fall back. “Oh my god.”

“What?” Magan asks, sounding genuinely worried. “Are you okay?”

“I will be.” I straighten my shoulders and lift my head to focus on them sitting across the table, wearing identical expressions of concern. I have to keep this secret for Trace.

I hate not being honest with my sisters. I think the time has come to face reality.

What did I think was going to happen with Trace and me? Clearly he doesn’t want long-term. He’s worried about how this would affect his relationship with the Candlers, who are not just his family but his employer. How could I have put him in such a position?

And now… it’s even worse than that. He’s in trouble with the Board of Elders because of me.

“I’ve made things even worse for him with the board. He could lose his powers because of me!” My insides do a slow, sickening roll. I swipe a hand across my clammy forehead.

“He won’t,” Magan soothes. “I’m sure that won’t happen.”

“After today? Maybe more so!”

Felise twists a piece of hair. Magan rubs her eyebrow. They exchange glances in the wordless communication they always do.

“I know,” I say. “I feel terrible. Worse than terrible. I don’t know what to do. I need to apologize to Trace.” I pause, my throat constricting. I need to do more than that. I need to end things with him. I know my analysis skills are not at their sharpest at this moment. Not only am I shook, I’ve had a lot of wine. “I need to go home.”

“That’s a good idea. We’ll come with you. Just let us settle up the check.” Magan pushes Copyright 2016 - 2024