Big Witch Energy - Kelly Jamieson Page 0,48

like that?”

“I don’t even remember.”

“It must have been good. And it’s nice to see Trace happy.”

I’m not sure if she’s poking to get more information or if she’s completely guileless. “Why isn’t he happy?”

“He’s happy. He’s just… Well, he’s never really gotten over losing his family.” This time she seems more inclined to spill the tea on Trace. “He still feels responsible for it. He tried for years to figure out if he could fix it, but he never could, and it really bothers him. I think it’s made him a little bitter.”

My mouth falls agape. “He feels responsible?” I stare at Felise.

“He was driving the car when it crashed.”

“Oh my god.” I blink rapidly. “I didn’t know that.”

She nods slowly.

“He was so young.”

“Yes, he was.” Her lips twist. “When Magan and I were learning to drive, he got really cranky.”

I inhale slowly. “Wow. What happened in the accident?”

“Apparently a semi pulled out right in front of them.”

“So it wasn’t his fault.”

“No, but he doesn’t want to hear that. He’s sure he could have done something different.”

My chest aches. I flatten my hand there and swallow.

“That’s why he’s tried so hard to get them back,” she adds. “And he hates that he hasn’t been able to.”

I remember our first lesson, when he told me that resurrection isn’t possible. How his voice caught. I imagine teenage Trace railing against the world, then becoming determined to fix what he thought he’d done wrong. And not being able to do that. My eyes sting with tears pressing in the corners, and I blink them back, my heart throbbing for him.

I turn and look at Trace. He’s smiling fondly at Grandma as she shows off some pretty good moves.

“I think Trace also hates the pressure to follow in his family’s footsteps,” Felise adds. “We’re just ordinary witches. The Candlers, I mean. But Trace… he’s a special witch.”

I’m starting to realize he is special. He didn’t want to tutor me, but he did it even though he’s carried a burden of guilt around with him since he was sixteen, and on top of that, tremendous disappointment at all his attempts to bring his family back. And not just because he wants them back… it seems he feels he has to redeem himself for what he did. But this whole family loves him. And I… Well, I’ve liked him since the moment we met. And that feeling has only deepened as I get to know him better and see his honor, his strength, his devotion to the Candlers.

I dance with a couple of Felise and Magan’s cousins, then a bunch of girls all dance together. Joe even dances with me. We’ve had lunch a few times over the past few weeks. He checks in on what I’ve been learning from Trace and lets me ask him dumb questions. He listens to my work complaints and tells me stories about Felise and Magan when they were little. We’ve even talked about my mom.

“What a lovely wedding,” I say. “Everyone seems to be having fun.”

“Some a little too much.” He shifts his gaze to a bunch of Wendell and Dean’s friends gathered by the open bar. His smile is wry.

“Is there a witch hangover remedy?”

“Why yes, there is.”

“Okay, that’s useful.”

“You sound like you think the things you’re learning aren’t useful.”

“There are so many restrictions on what we can use our powers for. It seems to defeat the purpose of having magic powers.”

“There are a lot of restrictions,” he agrees. “But they’re there for a reason. Unlimited power is dangerous. And you’re young and just learning. Power increases as you age and have the maturity and experience to handle it.”

I wrinkle my nose at him. “I guess we all think we’re mature.”

He smiles. “Have you heard of Axel Dankworth?”

“Yes. One of the original members of the Orb of Night coven.”

“Yes. He talked about the dangers to witch character—things like having a lot of money without having to work for it. Doing business without ethics. Taking pleasure without having a conscience. Those things can destroy a witch’s character and integrity.”

I think about that. “Okay, I get that. I’d still like to win the lottery though.”

“Wouldn’t we all.” He pauses. “If we could just summon up a million dollars, we wouldn’t appreciate it as much as if we worked for it. If I ran my business scamming people, what would that make me?”

I have to say, I admire this man. My heart expands, rising up into my throat. “I’m glad you’re Copyright 2016 - 2024