Big Pickle: A Secret Boss Romantic Comedy - JJ Knight Page 0,66

you want to go get a beer or something?”

“We could do that. But you haven’t been answering messages from anybody. Dad thought you’d like to know what’s happened with the investigation into the theft at your deli.”

I kick my feet up onto the coffee table, pushing aside a half-filled container of fried rice. I have no idea how old it is. “Yeah? It’s all done?”

Max leans forward, clasping his hands together. Damn, he’s huge. He’s like two of me now.

“They caught up with the old manager. She pled not guilty at the hearing, but then she decided to take a deal. She had an arrangement with the old assistant manager to skim cash and cover it with inter-deli deliveries.”

“That’s what Nova figured out.” Even saying her name draws a shard of pain through my gut.

“Yeah, Dad talked to her. She said you had mostly figured it out and were trying to catch whoever it was.”

I try to picture Nova and Dad talking. My throat gets tight. “So, was the lady we arrested the old assistant manager? She said she only went there twice.”

“No, she was new. The old assistant manager got spooked when Nova took over. She felt like they milked that cow for all it was worth. But Susan wanted to keep trying. She got the old assistant manager to turn over the keys and combination to another friend.”

I rub my eyes. I don’t want to think about this anymore. “Sounds like it’s all wrapped up. The deli will be fine, just like before.”

“Dad wants you in New York,” Max says. “I’m to get you on a flight sometime this week and head to the main house.”

“And if I don’t go?”

“I have the muscle to force you.”

He did have that. I didn’t expect he would literally throw me over his shoulder and haul me onto a plane.

But I guess the Riviera plan wasn’t working out anyway.

I might as well go to New York.

Just not Texas.



The email from Sherman Pickle feels like a bad dream.

I read the words a second time, an icy tendril of fear trickling through my veins.

To: Nova Strong, Andre Williams, Marie Rodriguez

cc: Jace Pickle, Max Pickle, Anthony Pickle, Lance McAllister, Audra Wilson, Bud Miller

I don’t know the names of most of these people. I recognize the Pickle brothers, obviously, and I can only guess the Audra listed here is Jace’s assistant.

I read on.

We are long overdue for an in-house meeting of owners, managers, and top personnel of the Pickle franchise. Audra will be coordinating flights and accommodations for everyone to meet the first week of June in New York. Please plan accordingly with your staff to be away for approximately five days.

Bud Miller, our accountant, will be contacting you regarding any additional materials he may need to present budget findings. We will also be meeting with our lawyer regarding the events at Austin Pickle, and how we can best protect the franchise from future loss of assets.

I look forward to seeing you all again, and meeting those of you who are new to the upper management of our beloved delicatessens.

Sincerely, Sherman Pickle.

I have to go to New York.

Well, I get to go to New York. That’s exciting. I’ve never been to New York.

And here is an all-expenses-paid work vacation.

Will I get to see the Statue of Liberty? Rockefeller Center? Will I have time? Can I afford side trips?

Despite the excitement, I keep going back to a name on the list.

Jace Pickle.

He’ll be there. The cold feeling of dread comes over me again. I can’t see him. I probably shouldn’t even be working here anymore. Except, I need this job. And I love this job. And I love the crew I’ve built. And there’s nowhere else I can work up to manager as fast as I did here. It was a lucky circumstance. I know those don’t come along very often.

No. I need to hold out for a year, then I can go back to school.

But now there’s this trip. And Jason. Jace. Whatever.

“Ho, ho. What’s got the boss lady all upset today?”

It’s Lamonte. I should’ve kept my door closed. He always notices when I’m in distress.

He stands in the doorway. Now that he’s assistant manager, he likes to wear short-sleeved shirts with collars. I find it amusing. He also reinstated the employee pins when he read in the manager manual that it was the duty of the assistant manager to provide them.

I think he just wanted one with his name and assistant manager on it.

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