Big Dick Energy - Cindi Madsen Page 0,7

the big dick energy talk, before getting a good look at him. It’d been hard to remain firm once I’d gotten an eye-full of his collared shirt and tie. He had the sexy eye crinkles and hint of scruff, and for a moment, my tongue had tripped over itself as I’d struggled to come up with a proper response… one that didn’t involve inviting him to go ahead and take me right over the bar.

While my nice girl instincts had kept me from saying a lot of stuff I wanted to, it at least had my back when it came to filtering inappropriate responses. As for the awkward comments that burst out of me, not so much.

It’d taken a lot of fake-it-till-I-made-it confidence to stroll away, and there was no way I wouldn’t mess up the upper hand I might’ve gained with another exchange. Not that I needed the upper hand when it came to a guy I’d never see again.

“I told you,” Catalina said, her voice as firm as my growing lady boner. Didn’t it remember guys that cocky would only appease it for a moment or two? Then they wouldn’t call, and I’d feel shitty, which would hinder my main goal of proving to my boss I was the woman for the soccer complex job. “You did nothing wrong.”

I winced and chewed on my thumbnail, a bad habit I was attempting to break myself of—tomorrow, maybe. “I feel like I was too harsh.”

“Like with the hairdresser who argued with you over how you wanted your hair?” Ellie skewered the last olive in her drink. She’d chewed on her plastic sword to the point I was surprised it still stabbed. “Or like with Ron, when you called him a selfish jerk in front of two people at your office and thought that counted as handing his ass to him?”

I daggered a glare at my friends. “It’s hard for me, remember? I’m pretty sure ‘I’m sorry’ was my first sentence.”

“Another thing you need to stop saying. Do you think guys with big dicks apologize?”

“They don’t even apologize when they act like big dicks,” Ellie said, and then she widened her eyes and diverted her gaze to our empty basket of French fries, studying the grease splattered paper as though it contained profound literature. “He’s definitely coming over.”

Catalina smacked her palms on the table, snagging my attention before I gave in to my urge to check out Archer, the deliverer of the funny Men in Black joke. “Don’t you dare apologize, Pen. Any guy who thinks he deserves your time is raising a red flag, and you’ve ignored those for way too long. The fact that he’s coming over here even though you rejected his advances only proves my point.

All three of us straightened as Archer approached, and I cursed whoever made him so damn handsome. Broad shoulders and the scruff that emphasized his chiseled jaw showed a hint of strawberry blond among the sandy brown that matched his hair. He was taller than I realized, on account of that whole being-seated thing, and as I took in his frame, sizing him up in the six-foot-plus territory, my teeth sank into my lower lip of their own accord.

Tall guys were my kryptonite. Particularly charming ones with divots in their cheeks I longed to poke my finger into.

Be strong, Penny. Be… whatever the opposite of kryptonite is.

Superman, I guess, and those tights make it clear that the man-of-steel is definitely hung.

“Hey, so I’m sure you remember me,” Archer said, and that fortified my resolve better than my superhero musings. He’d come over for round two just to tell me how memorable he was? Ugh.

“Look, I don’t know how I can be any clearer.” I ran my finger over the thick-rimmed glass in front of me, my gaze focused on it instead of his face, until Cat kicked my shin under the table.

“Ouch,” I said, bending to rub it, and now Archer was peering down my beaded tank top. He quickly glanced away, and I wondered how he’d react if I just stared at his crotch.

Which led to me doing just that, and holy shit. Either the shadows and dim lighting were playing tricks on me, or… Well, it was time to practice pretending I had the bigger dick. The scene in Revenge of the Sith popped into my head, the one where drool-worthy Ewan McObi-Wan Kenobi told whiney Anankin he had the higher ground, as if that was all there ever was Copyright 2016 - 2024