Big Dick Energy - Cindi Madsen Page 0,15

that, he looks so damn good in his suit and then once in a while he peers so intensely at me that I forget he’s going to later mansplain and interrupt me and treat me like some girl who doesn’t know anything about soccer.”

“If that happens, you have my blessing to find a ball and show him exactly how hard you can kick one.” Catalina raised an eyebrow. “Aim for the crotch, in case I wasn’t clear on that part.”

“Oh, his crotch his crystal clear in my mind. I accidentally stared at it in the bar.” Then there was the glance when he’d stopped in front of my desk, but that was due to where the mini walls of my cubicle landed. Right at the wrong place, that was for sure.

“Tell you what…” Cat tapped my thigh, and I shifted to allow her to pull out her desk drawer. She grabbed a yellow legal pad and scribbled something on it. Then she folded it, sealed it with tape, and slipped it inside my purse.

“Still waiting for the part where you tell me.”

“That note is for a moment when you start to feel weak. It’ll provide inspiration and be like carrying a pocket-sized version of moi around with you. Trust me, it’s a much better process than suing. Less time, due diligence, and I’m pretty sure you’d pass out if you saw how much I charge by the hour, friendship discount notwithstanding.”

I kicked out at her, and she snagged my foot. “There’s another thing you could try if you get desperate and decide you’re cold-hearted enough to play the game to win.”

“This is veering dangerously close to Tom Brady Territory.”

“Hey, the dude’s nice to look at. Regardless of how much you or I like to bitch about him when we’re around our brothers, if Tom walked up to me in a bar, I’d flip my hair and giggle, and you would, too.”

“I really hope I’d be stronger than that.” I frowned, not liking she’d made me consider whether I’d give in for even a second. I also wanted to be strong enough to insist I didn’t need to hit a panic button or play dirty to win.

The idea of getting down and dirty with Archer, on the other hand… His image formed in my mind, and then he was peeling off his jacket, draping it over the back of a chair like a motherfucking gentleman, and removing his cufflinks before rolling up his sleeves.

I bet he had forearms for days. They were one of the most underrated male characteristics, and I’d like to lick right up that firm line and… I cleared my throat and pinned my hands between the backsides of my knees and the desk. If I gave in and fanned my face, it’d give me away to Cat, and my dirty mind reel had been extra busy lately. Call it a hazard of going too long without taking the time for even a battery-operated-boyfriend.

Unfortunately, it also meant I was a hop, skip, and a jump away from desperate. “Let’s hear it. The panic button plan.”

“You bait him.” Cat shrugged a shoulder, as if it were merely another day at work, and while I knew she had more than one ax to grind when it came to men, at the same time I had no idea. “Obviously he’s attracted to you, so you teeter on the tight rope between friendly and flirty, keeping your words innocuous enough you could explain them away if it ever came up around anyone else.”

I’d ask, but that seemed way too far, and so out of character I couldn’t even imagine the guilt it’d cause. Indigestion for days, to say the least. “Sounds more like gaslighting.”

“Pfft. As if men haven’t been doing that to women since the dawn of time. Hell, your boss has been doing it to you since the day he hired you. He keeps pretending he’s considering you for a promotion, so you do the grunt work and put in more hours than everyone else, only to move the finish line. It’s the classic dangling a carrot in front of a donkey tactic.”

“Wow. Now I’m a donkey. This just keeps getting better and better.”

“Your boss is clearly the ass in the equation. All I’m saying is that if this…” Cat rolled her finger, signaling for me to fill in the name.

“Archer York.” Nope, butterflies didn’t swirl through my gut at the mention of him. It was just an overly-dramatic hunger pang—that Copyright 2016 - 2024