Big Billionaire Boss - Ali Parker Page 0,39

to get in place before I left for Paris, and it had been touch and go, or I would’ve had to send Leah on ahead of me.

Thankfully, with the help of my team and a good dose of supreme focus, I’d gotten through everything. Jefferson was still out of the office, but he’d been working from home.

If he could get the nod from his doctors, he was planning on flying out with Katie to meet us in France. That was the tentative plan anyway. His doctors hadn’t given him the all-clear and we weren’t sure they were going to.

In the meantime, I’d assured him that I could take care of all of the overseas business. Between the internet and me being able to fly out to wherever we were needed in person, there really was no point to him hopping on an airplane at this stage.

The old man was hellbent on doing it, though. He was happy to let me go on ahead with Leah, but he really did want to join us if and when he was cleared to fly.

As for me, this last week had been the most responsibility that I’d taken on since my career at the firm had begun. It was making me realize how insane my life was going to become once Jefferson retired, and I was learning that regardless of how prepared I’d thought I was, taking over was going to be a challenge.

But it was one I welcomed. It felt like I’d been training for it all my life even if I knew it had actually only been a matter of years. I was ready. The transition period was simply going to be tougher than I thought.

If my mind had been one hundred percent focused on business, it might also have been a little easier. As things were, however, I couldn’t get my traveling companion for this trip out of my damn head.

Leah was there every time I closed my eyes. Even when it was only to blink. I couldn’t get that look on her face while we’d been kissing out of my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about the sounds she’d made and the way she’d tasted, all sweet and fucking tempting.

It was frustrating as all hell, especially because that one make-out session hadn’t been nearly enough to get her out of my system. I wasn’t sure anything would be, but I knew I had to try.

With what was waiting for me once the old man stepped down, I couldn’t afford any distractions. Whatever this attraction was between us, I needed to work through it and do whatever had to be done to put it behind me before Jefferson said his goodbyes to the company.

A week in Paris was a perfect start to working toward putting it behind us. So far, I hadn’t been able to get enough of her but I was hoping that a solid week in her company would put an end to that.

A fun-filled, action-packed week in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It didn’t get much better than that.

It was Tuesday morning, and in few short hours, Leah and I would be on our way. As the car pulled to a stop outside of her hotel, I climbed out to help John with her luggage. Unlike when she’d arrived here from Texas, she didn’t have only one bag with her.

She had a full set of designer luggage that Katie had picked out, and I also happened to know that Katie was responsible for the entire set being necessary for one week away. On the other hand, with Katie and Leah having packed together, I was pretty sure there were no more torturous shopping trips in my future.

Before we’d gone to that mall, I’d expected to be bored by the outing. Little had I known that shopping came with being tempted to do bad, bad things behind curtains that were fancy but were still only curtains nonetheless.

Some of those dresses she’d tried on had left little to the imagination, but my imagination had happily picked up the baton and run with it. Each and every one of those scenarios I’d conjured up had ended with the dress hitting the floor and me covering her with my body instead.

There were some of them I was pretty sure I’d rip right off her now that they’d been purchased. Just thinking about them possibly being in those bags, about to make an international flight with us, was making Copyright 2016 - 2024