Big Billionaire Boss - Ali Parker Page 0,37

into a hug before sitting down again.

“Hey, sis,” he said. “How was your day?”

“Can I get you a beer?” Dane added from his seat kitty corner to Rick’s. His gaze burned into me, drinking me in wearing my denim shorts and white cami combo.

My hair was loose, but I gathered it into my fist and snapped a band from my wrist around it as I nodded. “I’d love one. Thanks. What were you two busy with before I got here?”

I glanced at the thin folders lying on the table as I sat down next to Rick, deciding it was best not to choose the seat next to Dane. It was like the man had a magnetic force field around him and every time I got too close, I got sucked right in.

“One of those is for you,” Dane said when he walked back into the room with my beer in his hand. He’d already uncapped it, handing it over as he passed me. While it was a fleeting touch, his fingers brushed against mine and my nerve endings lit up with the feeling of his skin against mine.

After that make-out session, my crush on the guy had come back with a vengeance. It was alive and well, a pulsating entity that mostly lived at the apex of my thighs. I wanted him so badly it was making me stupid, but not stupid enough to acknowledge his brief touch in front of my brother.

If Dane had noticed that I’d gone all cross-eyed with need for him just because his fingertips had brushed mine, he didn’t let on. Instead, he picked up one of the folders—obviously the one he’d mentioned being for me—and passed it over to Rick to give to me.

“It’s our itinerary for the week,” he explained. I opened it to find schedules, invitations to events, hotel bookings, and a whole host of other paperwork. “All the events we’re going to be attending are in there, as well as all the other pertinent information you’ll need.”

I frowned and my mouth dried up when I caught sight of the address printed on one of the invitations. “This says that the event is being held in Paris.”

“That’s because it is.” The Golden-haired God of Kissing grinned at me, drawing my attention to his lips. But even though it was one hell of a pair of lips, I couldn’t quite focus on them right now.

Gaping at him as I tried to roll my tongue back into my mouth, all I could do was blink until I finally managed to find my voice again. “Paris, France? That Paris? The real Paris?”

“The real Paris,” he confirmed, the grin melting into a smirk as he took in my expression. “We’re flying out on Tuesday.”

“Paris,” I repeated the word lamely, visions of all the pictures I’d seen of the place swimming around in my head. “The city of lights and the city of love. We’re really going there?”

“It better not be the city of love this time around,” Rick growled, lifting his finger and wagging it at me first before turning it toward Dane. “It can be the city of lights or the city of blue balls. Your choice.”

Dane didn’t hesitate. “For us, it’s going to be the city of photo shoots, publicity meetings, dinners, swanky parties, and hard work. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Good.” My brother settled back on the couch, then leaned over to inspect the contents of the folder with me. “So you’re leaving on Tuesday, huh? That’s got to be exciting.”

“So soon?” I asked, the day Dane had mentioned earlier and Rick had mentioned now finally sinking in through the fog of Holy-fuck-I’m-going-to-Paris.

“So soon,” Dane said, his bottle of beer dangling between his fingers and his blue eyes lazily drinking me in as he leaned his head back on the couch. The very couch he’d almost made me orgasm on despite the fact that he hadn’t even touched me.

One thing I’d learned was that being kissed like that while having a bulge the size of a state to grind on was enough to get me off. I’d been frightfully close to becoming a screaming, shaking banshee without him even getting his hands on my skin.

My cheeks warmed with the memory, and Dane’s gaze darkened like he knew exactly where my mind had just gone. Rick nudged me, the poke of his elbow in my ribs bringing me back to the here and now.

“You’d better pack your bags, sis.”

I sat up straight, staring Copyright 2016 - 2024