Big Billionaire Boss - Ali Parker Page 0,27

she’d just laughed as if I’d made the funniest joke she’d ever heard.

Dane rolled up his sleeves, his gaze still roaming around the shop. I couldn’t help but notice that Katie’s eyes, like my own, had fallen to his exposed forearms. Checking out the boss, are we? You saucy minx, you.

Then again, I was doing the exact same thing. So when I caught her eye, I simply shot her a knowing grin and mimed wiping drool from the side of my mouth.

Her cheeks went so red she was practically glowing, but she bit her lip and gave me a discreet nod before turning away and flouncing toward another section of the store. Dane, hilariously oblivious to having just been checked out by two of his employees, blew out a breath and motioned at a shelf holding a variety of designer jeans.

“We should probably get you some of those, too,” he said, shifting on his feet as he swiped his tongue across his lower lip. “I’ll go get someone to help us put some outfits together.”

Clearly uncomfortable at the idea of doing it himself, he headed off in search of the sales assistant who’d told us to let her know if we needed anything. I laughed softly to myself, wondering again why he’d insisted on coming with us if the idea of choosing clothes for his friend’s little sister made him feel like someone was sticking hot pokers underneath his fingernails.

I couldn’t deny that I was happy he’d come, though. After having spent all morning together, even Katie had relaxed around him and it was more fun having both of them with me than it would’ve been alone. Katie spent the next thirty minutes seemingly finding one of everything in the shop in my size for me to try on, while Dane had wandered over to the sitting area and was tapping away on his phone while we dug around for clothes.

They’d told me to get underwear as well, but I insisted on choosing that myself. Just because I needed the correct undies to go with all these new clothes to avoid lines and bulges didn’t mean I needed help choosing it.

Dane glanced up when I walked past him with my arms laden with bras of every design and color, his gaze snagging on the garments before lifting slowly to mine. One corner of his lips tugged up in a smirk as he arched a brow at me.

“Now that, I could’ve helped you with,” he said playfully but with more than just a hint of seriousness in his smoldering gaze. “Care to show me what you’ve got? For purely professional purposes, of course.”

“Of course.” I grinned but then turned my upper body, using it to shield my choices from his view. “But for purely professional reasons, I’m going to need to see yours before you get to see mine.”

Shock flashed in his eyes for a fraction of a second, but then his smirk widened and he tipped his head in interest. “That can be arranged. Just tell me when and where.”

Damn it. He called my bluff. For the briefest minute, I wondered what he’d say if I told him right here and right now, but then I remembered that we had another year to work together. So instead of testing his resolve, I smiled coyly and walked toward the heavy curtain, speaking to him over my shoulder.

“I’ll let you know, but until then, I’m afraid you’re stuck with your imagination.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he called, amusement in his voice as I let the curtain swing shut behind me.

I chuckled as I set the bras down, turning my attention to the rack which had been wheeled in here filled with everything they wanted me to try on. Oh, brother. This is going to take all day.

The way I saw it, I had two choices. I could either slog through this with all the enthusiasm I usually felt toward shopping, or I could lean into it. The caliber of clothes I had to try on was nothing like I was used to.

As I ran my fingers over the soft material of the dress closest to me, I decided to lean into it. Have a little fun with a task that could easily have felt either arduous or overwhelming.

Shedding my regular clothes, I pulled a shimmery silver dress from the rack. It had a low neckline and a lower back, but it would hang to my knees and should cover Copyright 2016 - 2024