Big Bad Claws - Michele Mills Page 0,33

arms up and stretched, giving her a terrific show of the cut muscles bulging on his arms and the tight six-pack on his stomach, as well as the V of muscle at his hips that dipped down to that long pipe outlined under the covers. She wanted to lean over and lick every square inch. Starting with his pecs.

Zayzon sat up and threw aside the covers. He gave her wicked smile, then got out of bed naked and lumbered over to the cleansing unit.

“Cheater,” she whispered, as she glanced longingly at his perfect meaty ass before he closed the door behind him. And she’d gotten another good look at his beautiful cock, which even at rest was epic.

She let out a dreamy sigh and got out of bed too, tucking her feet into her kitten slippers. She’d wait to get in the cleansing unit after the men all left for work. She stood and started making the bed. In minutes Zayzon came back out smelling fresh and clean, with a towel around his waist. She sucked in a sharp breath. It never ceased to amaze her how gorgeous this male was. And how difficult it was becoming to keep her hands to herself.

“I cannot sleep here with you every night,” she said with a shaky voice.

“Why not?”

“I can’t. You know I can’t.”

“You are not sleeping elsewhere,” he reminded her as he stomped over and opened a cabinet. He dropped his towel and started changing into his layers of occupational clothing. “You said you would remain by my side this entire moon cycle.”

She clenched her jaw. Why had she agreed to this? She’d go insane if she stayed in this room with this half-naked male who kept flaunting his hot body every chance he got. “I know what I said, but I cannot stay in here with you this whole moon cycle.”

“Why not?” he repeated

She put her hands on her hips. “You know why.”

He grinned and began pulling on his mining gear and boots. “I have heard that a Bride’s arousal can become uncomfortable. It must be hard for you because your species pleasure mates. If you clasp my claw you will initiate my pheromones and I can tend to you.”

“Tend to me?” she squeaked.

He inhaled deeply. “I continue to smell your arousal. It lingers constantly.”

“It’s because you’re naked most of the time. It’s not fair.”

He winked at her. “I didn’t say I’d play fair.”

“Damn you. I’m not some timid girl. You can’t just boss me around.”

“I know.” He grinned and picked up something off the dusty table next to his side of the bed and gently tossed it in the air and caught it.

Her eyes widened and she rushed over. “Oh my gods, is…is that Illibrium? I’ve never seen it before.”

He smiled at her indulgently. “Yes, this is my personal Illibrium. I am fever-bonded to this crystal.”

“Oh wow. Why haven’t I seen this until now?” She continued to fan-girl over the bright blue crystal. Illibrium was the rarest mineral in all the four sectors. Most beings never had the opportunity to see and touch one in real life. Its light seemed to grow brighter and brighter and more brilliant. “Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful.”

He shrugged. “I keep it with me at all times. I had it in my pocket while we went to intake. See how it lights up when you are near? It only does that for me, and now for you too. My crystal likes you.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “Really? It likes me. Well, I like your crystal too.”

He reached out and tapped the tip of her nose. “This means that you’re attuned to Illibrium.”

A huge smile widened her face. “I am?”

“Yes, I told them when you were getting your chip implanted. I knew the night you arrived that you were attuned because my crystal lit up brighter the moment it got near you. This helped to convince Minecorp to let you stay.”


He smiled and pocketed his Illibrium. She stared at Zayzon with pride swelling in her chest. He was dressed in all of his work clothes, with a belt, tools and boots. A strong male about to go out and perform heavy labor all day. Why was this so sexy?

“Let’s go,” he ordered.

She paused to grab Max from the restroom and followed Zayzon out. All six of his brothers happened to leave their rooms at roughly the same time. She walked with this stampede of heavy boots down the hall and into the front room, Copyright 2016 - 2024