Bidding For Her Curves - Flora Ferrari Page 0,23

fill my body as I swallow down hard.

“I want you, Mason…” she starts and I feel compelled to hear her say it.

“Tell me you’re mine. That you’ll be mine and nobody else’s. Tell me that much and I can wait… for today at least,” I confess. Really not sure how I’m going to manage the situation in my pants as it stands.

“You won me, fair and square,” she says, laughing softly, but I need her to understand this isn’t about money. I didn’t buy her.

“I want you, Jules. And I want you to want the same. I used the auction to get you, but only because I didn’t know what else to do.”

She kisses me tenderly, and I decide that from now on, I’ll earn her. I can’t have her thinking this is about me just buying my way into everything.

That was the old Mason.

The new Mason, the Mason with Jules by his side, he earns what’s due to him. With pleasure, passion, and kindness.

With love.

I move up onto the huge sofa, cradling her in my arms as she circles a finger around my chest. I ask her if she’s cold and she shakes her head.

“Not with you to keep me warm,” she says, and looking up at me with those clear blue eyes again, I forget about my own needs, my own desires.

Keeping Jules safe, warm, happy and whatever else she needs, whatever else she wants and when she wants it, that’s all I need from today. From now on.


“So…” she starts a while later. “What is the deal with bidding on Karen?”

I’d forgotten all about that, but I can tell Jules hasn’t and I want to make it clear for her one more time.

“Let’s just say, after the way she spoke to me on the phone, and treated you today. That Karen Perkins has a very special arrangement coming up this week as part of her charity obligations,” I tell her, hoping that puts the whole business to bed.

“You mean, how she treats me every day at work. How she treats everyone. How can you hire people like that? How can you have people like that working for you?” she asks, sounding even more angry with every word.

I hear her, and it’s the same double-crossed feeling I had inside earlier today, at the soup kitchen.

Because Jules is absolutely right, how can I have people like that representing what I spent my whole life building up from nothing?

“I’m sorry,” she says, pecking my cheek once she sees the effect of her words.

I breathe out loudly, squeezing her close.

“No, you’re right. I learned a lot today, Jules. And mostly because of you in more ways than one. I owe you everything,” I tell her, truthfully.

She looks at me sideways, creasing a smile. “I think someone might need some sleep. I know I do.”

To my complete amazement, she yawns and shifts away from me, trying to find her dress.

“What are you doing?” I ask her, confused.

“I should go. I mean...” she looks suddenly more confused than I feel. “I’m not sure how any of this works,” she admits, suddenly thinking aloud. “My clothes… my apartment… my own bed…”

I feel her awkwardness, but there’s no need for her to feel that way. Everything I have is hers now, too.

Not that I have a wardrobe full of women’s clothing or even a spare toothbrush.

But all that’s a phone call away, a single email.

“I thought I could keep you warm?” I offer, moving so there's extra space for her next to me on the couch.

She can’t go home. I’ve seen her neighborhood. She’s never going back there again unless it’s to get her clothes and toothbrush before coming here for good.

“I sleepwalk,” she says suddenly. “And I snore…”

I don’t mean to, but she’s making me laugh now. Standing butt naked in front of me, telling me about her shortcomings… about her need for her own bed.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was showing some signs of being nervous about spending the night.

Not wanting to waste any more time, like I have all day, I get up and lift her up into my arms. I moan with satisfaction as I feel the warmth of her form against my forearms, her naked chest pressing into mine.

“I tell you what,” I inform her gently, walking slowly towards my bedroom, our bedroom.

“I’ll keep the doors and windows locked, so you don’t fall off the building sleepwalking, and I’ll stuff cotton wool into my ears if Copyright 2016 - 2024