Beyond the Mountain (Fae's Captive #4) - Lily Archer Page 0,40

wraps her arm around the other me. “Come on, let’s pick the best horse.” They turn and walk past Brannon, Thorn, and Gray, all of them looking much the worse for wear.

When they gather in front of Leander and me, they all take a knee and bow their heads.

“Rise, my friends.” Leander tucks me under his arm, and I lean into him. “It is time for us to return home.”

“Wonderful. I’m way past due for some relaxation.” Selene skitters into view, a makeshift bag thrown over her shoulder, human bones sticking out of the top. “Especially now that I’m the high witch of the winter realm.”

“You survived.” I would hug her. But, eww human bones.

“I’m obsidian.” She grins. “I don’t break.”

“And wait, high witch of the winter realm?” I cock my head to the side.

“I made a bargain.” She tweaks my nose. “Your king wanted to know where you were. I wanted all the gristle I can eat and a nice title.”

“You aren’t bringing that to High Mountain.” Gareth grimaces at her pack of blood and bone.

“Try and stop me.” She snaps her teeth at him.

The Phalanx rises, battle-worn but victorious.

“Hey.” I turn to Leander. “The prophecy came true.”

“How so?” He pulls me close.

“‘She alone can start the war, and be victorious, win or lose.’” I press my cheek to his chest. “I struck the first blow against Shathinor. I started the war. And then I lost. I … died. But here we are.”

“Victorious.” Leander rests his chin on my crown. “Because of you.”

I snuggle against his chest. “I mean, I totally flew us out of danger. I’m kind of a big deal. Hey.” I turn to look into his dark eyes. “If I remember correctly, you mentioned something about worshiping ‘this body as it deserves’ if I got us down to the ground safely?”

His low purr rumbles through me as he lifts me in his arms and stalks through the scrub brush and stone at the base of the still-crumbling mountain.

Gareth clears his throat. “Leander, we should go now before—”

“Wait for us.” Leander’s command leaves no question.

I press my lips to his throat. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

“Don’t be?” I grip him tighter as he jumps a ravine. “I betrayed you, had you locked in a cage, let your friends get captured and hurt. Of course I’m sorry.”

He smirks. “I rather like the feral side of you.”

“What?” I’m certain my eyes are wider than they’ve ever been in my life.

“The betrayal wasn’t my favorite, I admit. But treachery aside—” He shrugs. “I’m eager to learn every bit of you, no matter the form. And the wings?” He makes a whistling sound as he sits me on a rock ledge. “Undeniably sexy.” He runs his hand down one, and a shiver courses through me. Pressing his forehead to mine, he says, “I’ll take you however I can get you, little one.”

A purr rolls through my chest. “Is that—”

He mauls me with a kiss that is as rough as it is welcome. I grip his shoulders as he spreads my thighs on either side of his hips. His hands go to my bottom and squeeze as his tongue does deliciously wicked things to mine. By the time he pulls back, I’m panting. And when he drops to his knees and presses his wide open mouth to my core, I moan and grip his hair. He thrusts his tongue inside me, and I strain to open my legs even farther. He doesn’t need encouragement, his wide palms splaying me as his mouth owns every bit of my flesh.

Gripping his hair, I grind my hips against his face, unabashedly chasing my release as he licks my clit, grazing me with his fangs. He doesn’t stop, and it’s as if he knows just what I like.

“I do.” His voice is inside me, the bond bright and alive. As if to prove his point, he runs the broadside of his tongue along that nub of sensation, and my back arches.

“Leander,” I moan his name.

But then the perfection of his mouth recedes. He stands and yanks down the top of my dress, his mouth going to one nipple as his cock presses against my entrance.

I run my hands down his back, my nails digging in and drawing blood. His purr escalates, and mine matches it. His cock rubs against my clit, up and down, coils of delicious arousal winding tight inside me.

“My mate.” He growls and thrusts hard.

My toes curl as he pumps hard, his hands on Copyright 2016 - 2024