Beyond the Mountain (Fae's Captive #4) - Lily Archer Page 0,13

hits my palate just right. I like his hate. I want more.

He bends his knees, dropping to the stone as I step back and stand next to my father.

I flick the blood from my claws into the dark wind that whispers its thanks. “Now, Father. Tell me more about this war.”



The winter wind carries us to the western edge of my realm, the Gray Mountains looming in the distance. Kyrin hates flying, and taking so many through the skies drains my magic, but there is simply no time to wait, not when Taylor needs me.

Ravella stands below, a fire already roaring on the bank of a frozen river. I calm the winds, and the rest of us drop to the ground. Gray grunts when his feet touch the snow—he’s about as fond of flying as Kyrin. Valen is a bit more graceful about it, but his color has a definite green tint. Thorn glides down as a white owl and changes form, landing on his feet at a slight run.

I sent word to Phinelas, but he may be too far away with Catcher duties to be of help. Branala is in charge at High Mountain while I’m away, and Gareth is recovering. I can’t reach Brannon, and I haven’t heard a whisper about him since I sent him to Silksglade to investigate Yvarra’s death. The Phalanx is spread thin, but I have warriors at my side who are ready to fight and die for my mate. I can ask for nothing more than that.

Ravella stares across the vast wasteland that leads to the mountain range. “Maybe we should have brought the army.”

“No.” I rub Kyrin’s muzzle. “We need to do this quickly and quietly. Get Taylor and get out.”

“You need rest.” Ravella points to a log next to the icy river. “We need full strength when we enter the Barren Lands.”

“We do.” I can’t disagree. But sitting down isn’t going to happen, not when I know Taylor is in those gray and black mountains. Possibly hurt and afraid. My hands curl into fists. If she’s been harmed … I shake the dark thoughts away and work on feeding Kyrin as Gray tends to his horse.

“You sure we can trust the information on where Taylor is being held?”

I lean against Kyrin. “We can. I made an oath that can’t be broken, just as she did.”

Gray runs a hand over his close-cropped hair. “She might break it out of spite, send herself to an even darker pit of the Spires.”

“Your suspicion hurts me, warrior.” Selene strides up, and the horses snort nervously.

“I don’t think anything hurts you.” Gray drags over a pail of water for his horse. “Though I’m happy to try it out and see.” He straightens and looks at her. “Why do you watch me like that?”

She clacks her teeth, her black eyes glinting. “Just imagining what your hide would look like in my cave.”

“I’m warning you, creature.” He steps toward her.

“Stop.” I put a hand to his chest. “We don’t need division right now. Selene has sworn an oath. Her information is good.”

She kicks her chin up. “Listen to your king, tasty warrior.” She cocks her head to the side at an unnerving angle. “Did you know your bones call to me? They tell me how I could use them in a stew.”

“I said knock it off.” I cross my arms and stare her down.

“Of course.” She does a curtsy with an imaginary skirt.

Gray glowers but backs away.

“Why did you insist on coming along?” I hold her shadowy gaze. “I gave you what you wanted. You gave me her location. What else is there?”

“I went back to my cave. My lovely, beautiful cave. Sat with my bones and flesh for a while. But then got the itch, felt the power in the air—” She sniffs like a hound. “Tasted it, I did. And I want to follow that scent all the way to the source.”

“The king beyond the mountain?”

She cackles. “He’s powerful, but there is one even more powerful. More glorious.” She sounds almost … smitten.

I didn’t anticipate an even greater foe, but I will fight through whatever the Spires can throw at me to get to Taylor. “I don’t suppose you’ll share any information on the king beyond the mountain or the other threat you speak of?”

“What are you offering?” She spins and clasps her hands in front of her.

“No.” I’ve already given up something of great value. I won’t give up anything else to this dark creature.

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