Beyond the Breaking Point - Lori Sjoberg Page 0,96

back and groaned.

The fog of lust evaporated from her eyes and was quickly replaced by confusion. “What’s wrong?”

“Condom. I don’t have one.”

He hadn’t intended for things to go this far, but now that they had, Wade cursed himself for not planning ahead. For obvious reasons, he hadn’t packed condoms. Why would he? Meeting a woman like Hope hadn’t been anywhere in his game plan. One of the guys might have some, or he could make a quick run to the pharmacy down the street. Either option would dampen the mood, but it beat spending the night with a chronic case of blue balls.

The frustration on Hope’s face matched the way he felt. She propped herself up on one elbow. “Have you been tested?”

“Yeah, but it’s been a few years.”

“But you haven’t been with a woman since then, right?”


Her features relaxed. “Then we’re good. I’ve been tested as well.”

That was all fine and dandy, but there was more to it than that. She’d been in captivity for months on end, and he seriously doubted she’d been on the Pill all that time. “I don’t want kids.”

He wasn’t what anyone in their right mind would describe as prime parenthood material. Hell, he wasn’t even sure he made a good uncle. Sure, he enjoyed spending time with his nieces, but he found it utterly exhausting to make himself fit to be around them. The profanity filter alone wore his ass out.

“Neither do I, at least not yet.” She shifted against him and toyed with the hairs on his chest. “That’s why I had an IUD inserted right before I left the Army.”

Wade slanted her a look. “Did you now?”

She nodded, a playful grin teasing her lips that he felt all the way to his groin. “I had it done after I decided to sign on with Los Ayudantes. I didn’t want to worry about pills or shots if I was working outside the States.”

“Is there any chance it’s expired?”

“Nah, this sucker’s good for about a decade.” She reached down to stroke his aching shaft, and he let out a gravelly groan. The grin she gave was wicked and inspired a host of filthy ideas. “Now, where were we?”

Unable to hold back a second longer, he captured her mouth in a scorching kiss, savoring the feel and taste of her lips and the soft, throaty purr that she made. Gently, he rolled so she was on top, her thighs splayed across his broad body and her wetness slick against his cock. If he flexed his hips, he’d be inside her, but he wanted her to be the one to make that final move.

He broke the kiss and gazed up at her, needing her so badly he could barely see straight. His breath mingled with hers as he battled back emotions that he always kept locked in a deep, dark place because he didn’t want to acknowledge them. On a shaky exhale, he brushed a strand of hair from her cheek and felt a shiver go through her. “Ready, Bones?”

“I’ve been ready.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

There it was again, that wicked grin that made his whole body burn. She bent to kiss him, her tongue stroking his, and with one exquisite shift of her body, he was engulfed by her tight, wet heat.

Concentrated pleasure seared every nerve of his body, while a sense of completion stole over him. It was like nothing he’d ever experienced before. How on earth had he lived this long without it? His hands gripped her hips, his teeth clenched tight as he struggled to regain some semblance of composure. He didn’t want to fuck her like he was some kind of mindless animal. She deserved so much better than that. She deserved to be cherished and worshipped, to receive as much—if not more—pleasure than she was giving him.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

He opened his eyes to find her staring down at him, and he felt a punch of raw emotions that he embraced for the first time in years.

It took a few seconds to find his voice. “Yeah. Never been better.”

Arching her back, Hope angled her hips, grasped his shoulders, and joined him in a slow, rocking rhythm. He loved the way she clung to him, her short nails nipping his skin. The feel of her, the look of pure ecstasy on her face—it was almost too much for him to handle. The fuse was lit; he couldn’t hold back much longer. Scalding pressure built in his balls Copyright 2016 - 2024