Between the Lives - By Jessica Shirvington Page 0,39

alone cause any damage. And what could one really do to hurt themselves with a butterfly pendant?

I put the necklace around my neck, tucking it beneath my T-shirt, and finished getting dressed just before Macie came back.

‘Are you ready to go to dinner?’

I nodded and followed her to the food hall, my hand going often to the butterfly beneath my shirt. Finally I felt empowered again. Finally I had the chance to follow this through – to find out one way or the other if there was a choice ahead for me.

Dinner was much like lunch, just in a large, empty cafeteria. I now understood why I was eating so early. Apparently I couldn’t be trusted in company yet. Macie told me that I would integrate over the next day or so. I could barely wait.

After forcing down a few mouthfuls of rubbery lasagne, I grabbed a banana and a carton of milk. What I really wanted was a Coke, but there were only three drink options: water, milk or orange juice.

On our way out of the cafeteria, I grabbed a bottle of water and gestured to Macie. ‘Can I take this back to my room?’

She nodded. ‘That should be fine.’

‘You sure about that? I mean, I could always try to drown myself in the bottle. You know, get all Alice-in-Wonderland tiny and leap right in,’ I sniped.

Macie raised an eyebrow. ‘Would you like me to reconsider?’

‘No, I’m just helping you look at all the angles.’ I smiled. It was probably stupid, since I really did want the bottle of water, but I couldn’t help myself. Luckily Macie took the higher ground and ignored me.

When we got back to my room, two guys were rummaging through it. One was looking under my bed. The other was actually on a ladder, searching the ceiling cavities. I recognised the one on the ladder as Mitch, the guy I’d kicked in the nose. When he saw me, his eyes narrowed.

‘You’ll have to sit in the chair until we’ve finished.’

My mouth dropped open as the other guy upended my bag and began spreading out my underwear.

‘What? Why? You can’t …’ I shot a look at Macie. ‘You’ve basically been with me all day! What do you expect to find?’

Macie’s face was expressionless. ‘Sit in the chair, Sabine. It’s protocol.’

My hand flew in the air. ‘You have to be kidding me. He needs a ladder to get up there – how the hell do you think I’ve been up there hiding things?’

‘Sit,’ she ordered.

I stared daggers at her. Macie simply returned my gaze, as if daring me to say anything else.

I stomped over to the chair, my hands wringing the bottle of water as I watched them rifle through my few measly belongings. They searched every corner, stripped my bed, overturned the mattress then inspected it for any tampering before putting it right and remaking it. Then all eyes turned to me.

‘Sabine, you need to stand up now,’ Mitch said. I eyed his black-and-blue nose. I’d gotten him good and it made me feel a little better. He glanced at Macie. ‘You’ll need to pat her down, Mace.’ I noticed his tone changed considerably when he spoke to her.

Macie nodded, sending him a smile before turning back to me. ‘It’ll only take a second. Stand with your legs apart and arms out.’

I stood up and crossed my arms. ‘And if I don’t?’

She shot Mitch a look. She seemed to see past his swollen nose to something more. Can’t imagine what; he gave me the creeps. ‘Then we’ll have to sedate you again. It’s for your own safety.’

Mitch looked smug. His ego was bruised and he was gunning for a second round with me. It was that, along with the fear of being put under again, that finally made me reluctantly move my feet apart, place my arms wide and let Macie pat me down.


She didn’t even spare a glance for the silver butterfly around my neck. Now I was the one hiding the smug smile. Not my fault if they’re sloppy.

Macie stepped back. ‘Okay, all clear, Sabine. I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Can I use a phone?’

‘Phone privileges come from Dr Levi. You can ask him tomorrow.’

Of course they did. Even criminals were permitted one phone call.

The male nurses filed out.

‘Are you locking me in?’

Macie’s sympathetic smile didn’t fool me. ‘No, but it’s lights out soon and you’re not permitted to leave your room without an escort. Trust me when I say it’s not worth breaking the Copyright 2016 - 2024