Between the Lives - By Jessica Shirvington Page 0,14


Maddie gave her standard 8 a.m. grunt and shovelled a piece of bacon into her mouth, but when I reached the front door she called out, ‘Can I still draw on your cast this afternoon?’

It wasn’t great timing given everything I had planned for the day, but it was Maddie. ‘You know it!’ I yelled back and headed out, knowing I’d left that kid smiling at the kitchen table.

Capri worked weekends at the second-hand music store, Thrifty Tunes. There was double incentive for her; she needed a job plus she got to hang out with Angus, her most-of-the-time boyfriend, who worked weekends there too.

Even if Capri wasn’t ready to admit it, they were perfect for each other: both into the Goth look, both into music, both opinionated, strong-minded people. And when they were together … well, even unfortunate bystanders could tell they were into one another in all the right ways. But part of that meant they also drove each other crazy and fought like maniacs. Last fight they’d had, Capri had given him the silent treatment for two weeks.

‘You wanna meet up later, go catch a flick or something?’ Capri offered as we meandered towards Thrifty Tunes, each with a Mocha Frappuccino in hand.

‘Can’t. Gotta hang out with Maddie this afternoon,’ I said between sips, somewhat satisfied that my lie actually held a grain of truth.

‘Davis is meant to be coming round.’ She said it as if it were a drawcard.

‘I’ve already told you, Davis and I are just friends. That’s it.’

Capri threw her drink in the bin and popped a few pieces of gum before reapplying her blackcurrant lip-gloss, all while still on the move.

‘That’s not what he thinks. I can see his smaller version thinking other things when you’re around,’ she teased.

I smacked her on the arm. ‘Please don’t go there.’ Please! It was bad enough knowing how close I currently was to Dex. ‘Davis is cool. As a friend.’

‘Come on, Sabs, what’s the deal? You holding out for Mr Sweep-you-off-your-feet or something? Or are you holding out for me? Cause you know …’

I smacked her again, but I was laughing. ‘You wish.’

She was still looking at me, wanting an answer. I groaned. ‘I don’t know, Cap, I just don’t like anyone like that at the moment.’ I gave her a stern look to emphasise my point, since I was pretty sure Capri was happy to swing either way. ‘But when I do, it will be a guy.’

We stopped outside the music store and she shrugged, satisfied that I wasn’t lurking in any kind of closet. ‘Just want you to get some. You know, before you’re fifty.’

Part of me, a fairly big part, totally agreed. But I glared anyway. ‘You’re a bitch, you know that.’

‘I might’ve been told once or twice before,’ she called out as I walked away.

I stopped by an office supplies store and bought a lined black notebook. I would need it as part of the plan. With shaking fingers I also dialled a number on my phone and made an appointment for later.

At the drugstore, I said hello to Mom and the pharmacist Denise, then I wriggled awkwardly – thanks to my cast – into one of the white jackets that were supposed to make us look more ‘medically informed’. When Mom and Denise weren’t looking, I slid my notebook onto the counter. I kept a magazine resting on top of it so when customers came in they wouldn’t see the list.

1. Test blood theory – exterior physical reaction

2. Test hair – pigment and removal

3. Test laxatives – internal physical response

4. Test poison – consciousness and organ failure

If points one through four achieve a successful outcome, proceed to next point.

My hand trembled as I wrote number five.

5. Choose

I chewed on a fingernail, staring at what I’d just written. Could it really be that simple? I didn’t know, but even so … I crossed out the last point. It was too early for that. Points one through four first. Then I’d worry about what would happen … next.

Giddy from the rush of thinking such forbidden thoughts, I did what I’d really come here for: I stocked up on everything I was going to need, waiting until Denise went on her break to grab some items from behind her counter. By the time I returned to the register, someone was waiting and looked like he’d been there for a while.

‘Sorry for the wait. What can I get you?’ I was sure I was flushed from Copyright 2016 - 2024