Between the Land and the Sea - By Derrolyn Anderson Page 0,81

of kissing him as he lay there helpless.

“Cruz brought me and dropped me off. I wanted to wait until you woke up... to find out what happened.” I added angrily, “I figured they had something to do with it! I had a bad feeling.” How could I explain my visions to him without sounding crazy?

“Marina, it wasn’t her fault–”

“Now you sound like me,” I said impatiently, “I have to find out what they’re up to.” Ethan looked alarmed. He reached out and grabbed my hand, “Swear to me you won’t go out looking for them.”

“I’ll be careful,” I said reassuringly, squeezing his hand, “Don’t worry,” I added softly.

Abby and Dutch came in the room. Ethan looked up, surprised to see them together. Abby gave Ethan a warm hug and told him how worried everyone had been.

“I need to get Marina home, she’s been here for hours, and it’s getting late.” She looked at me, “You can come back first thing in the morning.”

I nodded, all of a sudden drained, and looked up to meet Ethan’s anxious eyes.

Abby turned to Dutch, “Nice to see you again... Sorry it’s under such terrible circumstances.” She seemed a little nervous as she ushered me out of the room.

“Bye– I’ll see you tomorrow,” I told him. Ethan looked better, and I was starting to calm down as we walked out the door. I turned back to see two pairs of blue eyes watching us go.

“Wow!” Abby gasped as she drove us home, “I totally forgot how cute Ethan’s dad was.” CHAPTER EIGHTEEN


Suspended in a black cavern, I was breathing. Cool heavy water flowed in and out of my lungs, and I looked around me in shocked incredulity. There were at least twenty of them, all young and impossibly beautiful. They shimmered with a cool blue light that reflected off the sheer rock walls. Terrified, I wanted out of there.

I woke with a start. I was standing on the street in front of the house. It was still dark outside, but the pink tinge on the horizon told me that it was nearly dawn. I looked down at my bare feet and legs in confusion. As I came fully awake I realized with a shock that I was sleepwalking!

The last thing I remembered was wearily putting on an old t-shirt to sleep in, and here I stood out in the street. I sped up the driveway to discover that I had left the front door ajar. I scurried inside and locked it behind me, creeping to my room, strange dream forgotten. Thank goodness I woke up before anyone saw me.

I threw on some jeans and a pretty silk blouse over a lacy camisole. I was planning to see Ethan today but first there was someone I had to talk to. I decided to get going early. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and grabbed the car keys, slipping out of the house before anyone could stop me. I wasn’t supposed to drive without a licensed driver, but with everything that had been going on, I decided this was no time to get hung up on technicalities.

I found the Jaguar was easier to drive than the Porsche, and I got the hang of it quickly. I pulled up to the farmer’s market early, and sat in the parking lot watching the vendors arriving.

People were busily setting up tents and tables, and the coffee stand was already doing a brisk business catering to the other market workers. I got out of the car and in line for a cappuccino and a breakfast roll.

I ate, sipping my coffee as I watched for Lue Khang. I saw his grandson Long bustling around in the stand that Ethan usually worked. When Lue finally shuffled around the corner I gathered my thoughts and approached him. I was a little taken aback when he looked up and smiled as though he had been expecting me all along.

“Come and sit down,” he said, gesturing for me to follow him to the tables he had set up behind his stand. I sat, watching as he left for a moment to return with a teapot and two small ceramic cups.

“No thanks, I had coffee,” I said.

“Have tea also,” he insisted, pouring two cups.

“OK, thank you,” I politely took a sip, “Lue, I was wondering–”

“You want to know about the water spirits,” he said.

I nodded, relieved, “Why do you think they’re unhappy?”

“They call to you. They want something from you.”

“I don’t understand. What am I Copyright 2016 - 2024