Between the Land and the Sea - By Derrolyn Anderson Page 0,58

Cruz,” I called over my shoulder.

“Good night Marina.”



The next week at school started uneventfully. It looked as though things were going to blow over with Shayla, but I knew it was only because she didn’t want to make Ethan angry with her.

Nevertheless, I relaxed and stopped looking over my shoulder so much. I was getting used to the routine, and while my classes were for the most part boring I enjoyed spending time with Megan and Cruz. Ethan was friendly with them, I enjoyed art class, and the mean girls avoided me.

Maybe my dad was right about me needing to be here.

“Ethan’s a really nice guy when you get to know him,” Megan said. “I guess I just assumed that all surfers were jerks.”

“You know what happens when you assume...” Cruz added.

Ethan began joining us at lunch, and always escorted me to art class afterward. Our new-found camaraderie infuriated Shayla and her gang of followers. If looks could kill I would have been in real trouble. I toned down my look a bit, but always included at least one truly flashy piece of designer wear in each outfit. I could see them check out each new handbag, jacket or pair of expensive shoes I wore to my great amusement. Eat your hearts out, I thought.

I started attracting the attention of a new round of boys. They would try to sit with me in class or strike up conversations in the halls. It was a little disconcerting, but Evie would have loved it. I think it had something to do with the red hot sports car I drove to school each day, Cruz nervously coaching from the passenger seat. Ethan often seemed to materialize by my side when they came lurking around, a protective presence that came as a welcome relief. When he was nearby I relaxed and let my guard down, and I felt a little better about everything that was going on.

Every day after school I went down to the beach, hoping to find myself alone on the cement ship. Lorelei had proven to be unpredictable, so I never knew when I might happen upon her. I hadn’t seen any sea lions for quite a while and I was growing discouraged, starting to think I’d never get another chance to meet with her. That Thursday after school I packed my bag and wandered down to the pier in the hopes that today might just be my lucky day.

It was cool breezy afternoon, and the beach hosted only a smattering of people. I lingered on the pier, waiting for the ship to clear off. Making my way down to the fence, I looked through with my fingers crossed. My heart sank when I saw no sign of the sea lions or Lorelei. Pressing my face to the fence I squeezed my eyes shut and concentrated.

“Lorelei! ” I called out, hoping I could summon her, “Sister! ” I scanned the wrecked concrete, sighing in frustration.

“Well if it isn’t our local freak!” Shayla’s voice called out behind me. I turned to see Shayla and Heather approach me menacingly. Jamie hung back a little with a scared look on her face.

There were three of them, and I wondered how badly they were planning on beating me. I considered jumping off into the water, but the wild surf and Ethan’s warnings about the pier stopped me. I steeled myself for the worst.

“Leave me alone!” I hissed, and tried to walk boldly passed them. Shayla shoved me hard and I stumbled backwards, falling to the pavement.

“Shayla, we should go...” Jamie said quaveringly, looking behind her. There was nobody there to call for help.

“Whersh your boyfriend now?” Shayla was taller than I remembered as she closed in on me.

She lunged for me but I scrambled to my feet and backed up. “Little miss I’m so-o perfect and my parents are rish. Ethanz so stupid– he only likes you cuz a your car.” She was drunkenly ranting, and started cursing me out, calling me every vile thing she could think of. I recognized the pain in her voice and realized how much my petty games had really affected her.

I could hear Heather laughing hysterically as I dodged Shayla’s first punch, “Kick the crap out of her! Pull her hair out of her head.”

Shayla swung again and connected, splitting my lip against my teeth. I could taste blood in my mouth and I fell back down again. She stood over me, seething with rage.

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