Between the Land and the Sea - By Derrolyn Anderson Page 0,101

his work, but had to attend the presentation ceremony. He wanted to know if Abby and Cruz would come with me to Norway in December. I started to write him back, but I thought about what Ethan said. I gathered up my courage, took a deep breath, and decided to call instead.

It was late in Afghanistan but he picked up, saying he’d been meaning to phone, but had been fielding congratulatory calls all day and night. I told him that I was proud of him, and asked how his research was going.

Gathering up my courage, I told him about Cruz finding out about his father, and said I needed to ask him some things about my mother. He changed the subject, asking me questions about Abby and Cruz and school. My stomach was churning, but I persisted, telling him I really needed to know more about Adria. He was suddenly unable to talk, and said he’d get back to me later. He hung up abruptly, leaving me sitting in stunned silence.

I was frozen there for a moment, thinking. I was disappointed in him, and angry at myself for not having the courage to just blurt it out. I got dressed and headed back out to the kitchen.

Cruz and Ethan were eating cereal and actively discussing various forms of restraint.

“How about a straitjacket?” I heard Cruz say as I came in and sat down.

“Very funny,” I said sourly.

“How about we surfboard leash you to the bed?” Ethan asked seriously, looking up at me.

I shrugged, “That might work, but if I can move furniture in my sleep I could probably get it off.”

“Duct tape!” added Cruz, “Hand cuffs! You’d need a key to get loose!”

“Are you insane?” I asked him.

“If the shoe fits...” Cruz cocked his head at me.

“Have you seen her shoes?” asked Ethan with raised eyebrows. We all started to laugh. My whole life was starting to feel like a black comedy. I sat down next to Ethan and he moved his leg over to press it into mine.

“I just called my dad,” I blurted out. They both looked at me expectantly. I told Cruz about the Nobel prize and he was appropriately impressed. “He wants you and Abby to come with me to Oslo for the award ceremony in December.”

Cruz was excited about the trip, “Awesome! I’ve never been anywhere!”

“Did you ask him?” Ethan took my hand.

“I– I started to and he blew me off,” I looked down sadly, “He suddenly couldn’t talk...”

“Don’t feel bad, Marina,” commiserated Cruz, “Our parents are just as screwed up as we are.”

We shared another laugh, for each one of us had our own demons to grapple with, and we could all find some dark humor in our different situations.

Cruz changed the subject, “I think we need a trip up to see Evie!” He turned to Ethan, “You should meet this lady– she’s awesome! And Marina didn’t even tell me that she’s totally famous!

She’s like fashion royalty! I have to deliver her dress.” He launched into the tale of our trip to the city. He rhapsodized about Evie’s fabulous apartment and amazing wardrobe. When he got to the part about the fortune teller encouraging him to claim his inheritance Ethan caught my eyes, looking at me intensely.

“Marina made fun of her, but I think she’s the real deal… I mean, she totally knew about my father leaving me something. It was spooky,” Cruz said, wide eyed.

“I’ll call Evie when she gets back,” I told Cruz, wanting him to stop. There was no point in fretting about Fatima and Lue’s sacrificial predictions. Especially now, because I was starting to suspect that I might just be the offering they had in mind.

“Can you give me a ride to work today?” Cruz asked.

“You can have the car if you take Ethan home first,” I said. Cruz went to get changed.

Ethan put his arms around me when Cruz left the room, “Are you trying to get rid of me?” he asked.

“No,” I said defensively, “but there’s no point in you being stranded here all day.” He looked at me seriously, “I think there’s definitely a point. Look what happened last night! Don’t you think it’s escalating?”

I had to admit it was. My dreams were getting stronger and creepier day by day. I was starting to feel an impending sense of doom, as ridiculous as it sounded to even think it.

“You can’t just drop everything to watch me,” I said disapprovingly.

“Humor me,” he said, “We’ll have Cruz drop us Copyright 2016 - 2024