The Better Side of Me - Jerry Cole Page 0,41

know. Comedy?”

“Sure thing.” Lance had the controller in his hand already and started flipping through the movie selection. “Oh, I just remembered too... I have to get up early tomorrow morning. Super early. So, I can’t stay over tonight.” He made sure to keep his eyes glued to the screen as he spoke. There was no way he could look at Kirk right now.

“You do?” Kirk sounded like he didn’t believe it.

“Yeah... I literally just remembered. Sorry.” Still looking ahead, and not at Kirk.

“It’s fine,” Kirk hurried. “I’ll just spoon my pillow tonight. He knows how to have a good time,” he finished with a chuckle.

“Great. Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”

“No worries.”

Lance was lying about having to get up early in the morning, and Kirk so obviously knew it. But rather than challenge him, or say anything to that effect, he stayed silent. Worse too, he remained on the other side of the lounge as they picked a movie and watched the whole thing. The way they were sitting, how they were acting, they may as well have just been friends.

If you had asked Lance the next day what the movie had been about, he wouldn’t have been able to say. He barely paid it a minute of attention. For the entire film, he was in his head, trying to figure out what he was going to say when he left, and how he was going to say it.

Lance was having second thoughts about Kirk, for no other reason than a better offer had been served up. And it wasn’t even better! It was just something different, a new treat, an updated model. There was a reason that Lance had always been single, and this right here was it. He didn’t want to hurt Kirk, or move on from his feelings for the man, or anything like that. But in this he had no choice.

After one whole week, what was admittedly a pretty great week, Lance was over Kirk. He was also a coward too... but that he never would admit.

Chapter Thirteen

Something was almost certainly wrong, and Kirk had no idea what it was. He lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, wishing Lance was in bed beside him, while wondering why the heck he wasn’t? He had stayed over nearly every single night of the week so far. So why not tonight? What had gone wrong?

For the entire week, Kirk had been living in some kind of paradise. It had started with that night in the museum, when Lance had taken advantage of the moment and fucked the hell out of Kirk. That was what it was, hard and intense sex. Lance had taken control of the night, and the ‘bedroom,’ dominating Kirk in every conceivable way. And holy shit, had he loved it.

From that point on, the two had continued to be just as hot and heavy. The next night, Kirk had gone straight to Lance’s after work. They had barely said two words to one another before stripping down and putting the entire apartment to good use. They’d had sex five times that night, and only once did they bother with the bed.

The following night it was Kirk’s apartment that they met at. Again, Lance just turned up, demanded that Kirk take his clothes off, and then had his way with Kirk. Not that Kirk minded. He’d spent the entire day fantasizing about such a thing, and when he had heard that knock on his door – unplanned— his heart had skipped a beat.

The next day they’d taken a break, if only to recharge and replenish bodily fluids. But the night after that it was back on again. And the night after that too. And each day Kirk would sit around in his staff room, or stare blankly at his class as they worked, and fantasize about Lance and what he would do to him when they saw one another again.

So, to say it had been a good week would be to understate just how fucking good the week had been. Hot damn.

Even disregarding the constant sex, Kirk just enjoyed being in Lance’s company. Once they were done using one another, they would lie back in each other’s arms, spooning or cuddling as they talked about everything and anything that came to mind. Kirk used to have to play conversations over in his head before having them with Lance, lest he embarrass himself. Now that wasn’t even an issue.

Truly, it had been a week of Copyright 2016 - 2024