The Better Side of Me - Jerry Cole Page 0,3

been here before?”

Kirk had to stifle the sigh. He knew small talk when he heard it. Worse too, he knew disappointment when it dripped from the speaker’s tongue. From the way that Clint had looked him up and down with reserved chagrin, to his overall body language and the fact that he was now refusing to even look at Kirk. This date was not going to go the way Kirk had hoped.

“It’s all good.” Kirk could have punched himself in the face for saying that. What an obvious and ultimately boring response. The onus was on him to be the interesting one here, as he had nothing else going for him. And he was already failing! “A little spicy though... unless you like that.” Again, he wanted to punch himself in the face.

“I don’t mind it.”

There was really no coming back from that. And sure, had Kirk been a different person, one with confidence and even a little bit of sex appeal, he could have easily rebounded. But that wasn’t Kirk. It never had been, and it probably never would be. He was a nervous wreck, constantly double guessing himself and always assuming the worst. And now, on a date with the man of his dreams, every single one of his flaws was coming to fruition. How lovely.

He and Clint ended up making it through dinner... barely. They ordered separate meals and didn’t deign to share them. When drinks were suggested, Clint waved them down by claiming that he wasn’t drinking at the moment. And when the waiter asked if they’d be getting dessert, Clint just about shouted that he wanted the bill.

“It was really lovely meeting you.” Clint spoke the words the moment the bill was placed in front of the two.

“Yeah... I had a great time.” Kirk reached for the bill to pay. For some reason he figured that it was the least he could do, as if just the act of Clint showing up to meet him was enough to warrant a free meal.

“Great.” Clint smiled a big, handsome as fuck smile; one that sent a pulse through Kirk’s body.

And then there was a pause. A moment. The briefest second that allowed for a tension to build between the two men. Kirk couldn’t explain it, he couldn’t fathom it but... but it almost felt like Clint was waiting for him to ask what was next. Despite how terrible the date was, and how obviously un-into him Clint had made himself appear, it seemed to Kirk that now, if he pressed the issue, he might be able to get this man to come home with him.

Kirk licked his lips at the thought. That image of the man’s beautiful erect cock shot back into his mind. His stomach churned, his cheeks burned red and he could feel himself begin to sweat. This was it. All he had to so was say something and he might have that penis all to himself... not to mention the man that came with it.

“So...” Kirk bit into his lip. This was it. He was about to say it... something... anything. And then he caught his reflection in the wine glass. He saw his big stupid frames. He saw his cheap haircut. And he saw his narrow shoulders barely hidden behind a cheap, stained shirt. He glanced at Clint, the He-Man, and he shrunk back. “Hope you have a great night,” Kirk finished meekly.

It might have been Kirk’s imagination, but Clint seemed to sigh his relief. “You too.” In a flash, the tall man was up and out of his seat. Another and he was half-way across the restaurant. And one more and he was out the door

And as for Kirk? He stayed where he was for some time, hating everything about what had just happened and everything about himself really. His reflection was staring him in the face, laughing and mocking him openly. To try and distract himself he pulled his phone out and took another look at Clint’s amazing cock. But this only made him feel worse!

Kirk was only three months out of what had been a horrid relationship but, and if tonight were anything to go by, it would be some time until he was in another one. If at all.

Chapter Two

“What are you?”

“I’m strong.”

“How strong?”

“As strong as Hercules!”

“I can’t hear you!”

“I’m as strong as a Hercules!”

“Yeah you are!”

Lance threw both hands up to high-five Carlo. Carlo, always Lance’s biggest supporter, met them in mid-air. The crisp slap of their hands Copyright 2016 - 2024