Better off Dead A Lucy Hart, Deathdealer - By Eva Sloan Page 0,88

in her tracks; though she was still seething and trying to reach her arms out to grab at Lucy.

Lucy fell to her knees, suddenly too weak to stand. She pulled her hand away from her neck wound again to find it drenched and dripping with even more blood.

I’m dying…

Delia stalked closer, as if she were trying to pull free of whatever was holding her back.

“I said stop, super bitch!” Lucy’s power flashed hot in her mind, and she felt it reach out and hold Delia back.

But the vampire was smiling.

“You’re fading fast. Won’t be long before all that delicious blood of yours is all over the floor. And when you pass out…” She clapped her hands together in exclamation and smiled all the more devilishly. “You’re mine.”

The psycho-bitch-monster-of-death has a point. Once I pass out—which I’m already starting to feel—I won’t be able to hold her back at all. Lucy shivered as darkness crowded her peripheral vision. Either she’ll kill me, or…or I’ll wake up with fangs.

“I’m torn,” Delia said, obviously feeling better, her wound probably almost healed already. “Should I just turn you and get this over with? Or…I could make you drink just enough of my blood to heal you, and then I can carve you up for a while, see how you like it!”

While Delia was monologuing her ass off about the ravages she was going to inflict on her, a very simple thought revealed itself to Lucy. She didn’t know if her little ability covered it…and even if it did work, would it last after she’d passed out?

“Or I could wait until you dead, dead.” Delia twirled with excitement. “With only the tiniest sparks of life left, and then bring you back as—”

“Go to sleep,” Lucy said, her eyes locked on those of the vampire.

Her monologue abruptly interrupted, Delia stared at Lucy with slack jawed disbelief.

Lucy breathed in one deep breath, calling up what was left of her strength, feeling the hot annoyance burn in her skull. Delia was just about to say something when Lucy said: “Go—to—sleep—Delia! And don’t wake up again until I tell you to.”

She gave a snort of laughter, shaking her head, but then her knees buckled and she fell to the ground, her arms shaking as she tried to hold herself up from the floor.

“ can’t...”

“Sleep...” As the word fell from Lucy’s lips, so fell Delia to the ground. Her frosty cold blue eyes stared out at Lucy for a few very uncomfortable beats before they too slid shut, and Delia’s entire body went slack with sleep.

Hopefully she’ll stay that way after...after I... A dark curtain started to fall over Lucy, only the sound off her own breathing filled her ears, a frightening cold enveloping her body, making her numb and scared.

I’m really going to die…

She felt a tear trickle hot down the side of her cheek.


From the other side of the room came an earsplitting crash, the sound of splintering wood and metal being ripped apart. Lucy tried to keep her eyelids open, but they fell like a curtain as a very large, very scary shape burst through the wall, roaring like a freaking T-Rex.

Great… It rushed on all fours toward her. Something else that wants to kill me.

Chapter 18

IT WAS THE TASTE that woke her: sweet and rich and…to freaking die for. It gushed over Lucy’s tongue and down her throat in greedy droughts. Better than ice cream, better than chocolate, better than a caramel mocha latte made with whole milk—even better than the cake her grandmother had baked special for her birthday.

As if the scrumptious liquid was a magical cure-all for everything that had ever gone wrong in your life, or had ever laid a finger on you, Lucy felt the panacea rush through her veins, warm and pulsating with life, making every molecule in her body sing with joy, all her pain vanishing as her heart thrummed in her chest.

Strong arms held her, cradled her as she drank from—her lips were latched tight to flesh—someone’s wrist.

“That’s enough,” a man’s voice Lucy knew she should recognize said. “Any more and she might…” He didn’t finish. He pulled his wrist from her grasp, eliciting a whimper from Lucy’s lips. He gathered her up in his strong arms and moved them both effortlessly through the ruins of the room, through the gaping hole in the wall, and out into the cool night.


Time flickered by and Lucy now felt warm all over, the wondrous taste still in her mouth, and everything Copyright 2016 - 2024