The Betrothed (The Betrothed #1) - Kiera Cass Page 0,39

Let me know when you’re practicing, and I’ll be there.”

Her aunt looked so pleased on her behalf, and in the corner, I saw Silas trying not to smile.

Sure, Valentina had been cold, and Etan had been rude. Twice. But when I saw Silas’s glittering eyes looking back at me in appreciation, all I could think of was that it had been such a good day.


THE NEXT MORNING, I SAT up in bed, hopefully inhaling the morning air. If anything could cheer an anxious mood, it was the jugglers and musicians and games on the tournament field.

“I’m so excited for the tournament.” Nora came and nudged me to move over on the bed. I obliged, and she pulled my hair over my back and started brushing.

“Me, too.” I curled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, almost feeling like I needed to hold the feeling in.

“Is Jameson riding today?”

I shook my head. “He’s going to accompany King Quinten for the whole thing, and, seeing as the armor alone would knock Quinten to the ground,” I said with a pointed look, “I think he’ll stay in the stands today. I’m not even sure if I’ll bother wearing a token.”

“Why not? You don’t have to give it away.”

“We’ll see. Either way, I want to wear the red underskirt, but with my signature gold on top.”

She nodded. “That will look nice. We should probably tuck your hair up so it doesn’t get dirty. Come on.” We moved over to the vanity so she could secure my hair back in a golden net, using a wide band of red satin to keep the front of my hair in place.

“No question who I’m pulling for today, is there?”

“Not with that much red.” She smiled.

I squinted up at her. “Where’s Delia Grace?”

“Something was wrong with her dress, and she had to go find thread.”

I raised my eyebrows. “No wonder it’s so calm in here.”

Nora chuckled as I looked through my drawer, fishing out ribbons and handkerchiefs. “Remember to cheer loudly and be careful that your heart doesn’t get stolen by a handsome knight,” I warned her. Though I knew Jameson would be sitting beside me, I flipped a handkerchief over and over in my hand. I supposed Nora was right; I could have one and not give it away. I slid it up the sleeve of my dress as Delia Grace entered the room, already tense.

“Why is the blasted seamstress so far back in the castle? Doesn’t anyone on this side of the palace ever need a needle and thread?” She huffed as she made sure our dresses were sitting properly and our hair was in place.

“I’ll make it my first order of business to allot some rooms in these halls for the dressers,” I promised. “I’m sure more people need that than we could guess.”

She tucked a stray hair at my neck back into the net, nodding intently. “Sometimes, Hollis, I think we’re the only ones who actually know what’s going on here. There, you’re good.”

“Off we go, ladies,” I said, handing a ribbon to Delia Grace before we moved outside. I kept my head high as I walked across the crowded grounds to where Jameson was settling into the king’s box. King Quinten was sitting to his left with his precious queen beside him. I sighed. At least with her sitting on the other side of the box, the chances of us needing to interact were slim.

As I got closer, I saw a young man in armor approaching me.

“Why, Silas Eastoffe, is that you?” I asked, though the answer was plain enough by the sight of his parents and dreadful cousin flanking him.

He pulled off his helmet and gave me a quick bow. “Indeed, it is, my Lady Hollis. I’m trying my hand at the sword fight after all. And look,” Silas continued, turning a full circle. It didn’t take long for me to understand.

I met the eyes of his parents, who wore expressions somewhere between satisfied and wary. “You wear no red, you wear no blue.”

In the distance, his aunt and uncle called out. Lord and Lady Eastoffe waved and started over as I turned to my ladies. “Delia Grace, Nora. You may go to our seats. I’ll be along shortly.” They quickly obeyed and I was left with Silas and Etan, though I wished Etan would take his sour expression and follow his aunt and uncle.

“Are you not worried about offending someone?” I asked Silas quietly.

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