The Betrothed (The Betrothed #1) - Kiera Cass Page 0,27

while I faithfully served her.”

Nora nodded, then spoke again. “Well, if she’d have us.”

She had a fair point, and it made me laugh yet again. Even Delia Grace had an amused little grin on her face. “I suppose I’d be lucky to have you both,” she teased.

“It’s good you have a close group of friends,” Lady Eastoffe said. “It’s wise to know exactly who you can trust. Why, even Queen Valentina only keeps one lady.”

“Really? I might have to ask her about that. I’d prefer to keep my household small. I mean, when the time comes.”

Lady Eastoffe grimaced. “You might have to wait awhile to speak to her at all.”


“Protocol. Only the head of house speaks first. As you are not married, your parents should introduce you, but the king may bypass them and do it himself. Either is fine. But typically the higher-ranked person speaks first, and if that doesn’t happen . . .” There was a long pause. Was I not going to speak to this woman at all? “If you have any doubts, treat Quinten and Valentina like they’re superior in every situation. Even if they’re not, they’ll appreciate the flattery and be more likely to respond kindly.”

“Right. What about meals? I’ve been sitting on the king’s right, but I’m assuming that will go to King Quinten now. Should I try to—”

Without knocking, my parents barged in, my father holding several books and scrolls in his hands.

“You can go,” my mother said briskly to Lady Eastoffe.

“Mother, Father. Lady Eastoffe is my guest. Please show her—”

“The king gave me a job,” my father interrupted. “Are you suggesting I ignore it?”

Lady Eastoffe smiled and rose from her seat. “Call on me anytime, Lady Hollis. If we think of anything else concerning the queen, we’ll send word. A pleasure, Lord Brite. Lady Brite.”

My father shoved my flowers aside, rolling out a map. “Sit. We have a lot to discuss. Great Perine is on the edge of civil war, and I don’t even know where to begin with Mooreland.”

I sighed, looking at the mud-colored maps. It wouldn’t have mattered who was teaching me; about twenty minutes in, and my mind was already full to the brim. Between protocol and current affairs, there wasn’t space for anything else. And what was worse was that I was nowhere close to knowing everything I needed to for tomorrow.


AFTER MY PARENTS LEFT, NORA and Delia Grace spent the rest of the day testing me on what I’d learned thus far. For every answer I got right, I got to take a bite of pie, so, naturally, I was starving by dinnertime.

As we walked to the Great Room, Nora whispered over my shoulder. “Try not to look so glum. This is a great honor.”

“I can’t help it. I’m never going to be able to get all this right, not this fast.”

Delia Grace leaned in. “She’s right. Smile. None of this matters as much as you keeping Jameson happy.”

I sighed, pulling myself up taller as we entered to bows and polite smiles. Jameson was, as always, delighted to see me. I thought of his words when he’d taken me back to the jewel room. He’d said himself that all he wanted me to be was exactly who I was. How was I supposed to balance that with the things everyone else expected me to be? Surely if I failed him in front of a not-quite-enemy, his affections would fade.

Part of me wondered if that wasn’t such a bad thing.

I shook my head, trying to get myself together. Only an idiot would pass up a king.

“My own heart,” Jameson greeted me, kissing my cheek in front of the entire court. “How has your day gone?”

“I’m just going to hope that King Quinten’s hearing is starting to fade so he won’t know how little I’ve remembered from my lessons.”

Jameson laughed at that, and I wished I could laugh myself.

“Oh, I suppose you’re right to have a healthy fear of Quinten. Growing up, I did myself. Had to get over it when I took the crown,” he said casually, reaching for his cup.

“What did you, of all people, have to fear? You’re the king.”

He made a face. “Well, I wasn’t when we met. He’s looked like a villain from an old tale since the first time I laid eyes on him. As I got to see him in action, I’ve realized that villain might be too kind a word.”

“Gracious.” I had quite suddenly lost my appetite. “What has he done Copyright 2016 - 2024