Betrayed - By Suzetta Perkins Page 0,47

Brenda turned around and looked at Mimi. She tried to open her mouth, and then stifled an onset of tears. “Mimi,” was all she said before wrapping her arms around Mimi’s neck.

Tears began to fall from Mimi’s eyes as she embraced Brenda in return. They stood that way for several moments before Mimi removed her arms. Brenda did likewise. Mimi caught another tear. This wasn’t how this get together was supposed to go. Emotions were running too high and threatened to abandon what Mimi needed to say to Brenda.

“Let me take your coat.”

Brenda slid out of her coat and handed it to Mimi. Brenda wore an ivory shawl-collar cardigan of lightweight cashmere over a pair of Dereon jeans. Simple but elegant.

“I didn’t know these condos existed,” Brenda said, as she followed Brenda into the cozy living area, attempting to ease into the conversation.

“They aren’t old at all. In fact, they may be six to seven months old. I bought mine brand new. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like some wine?”

“I would, but I’m still recovering from my accident, and I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize my suit when they find the person who hit me.”

“Brenda, excuse my insensitivity. I completely forgot you were in an accident. How are you doing? Maybe this is not the right time.”

“Mimi, hold it. I’m doing real good. I’m blessed to have come out of that accident without any major trauma to my body. It was a hit and run accident and my car was totaled. They haven’t caught the person who did it yet.”

“My God, Brenda. I’m glad you’re all right.”

“I am, but I’m feeling much better because we’ve finally reconnected. I’ve missed you so much, and even after the years passed, I didn’t stop wondering. I may not have thought of you as often, but every now and then something would come up to trigger a memory. So how are you and what have you been doing since you walked out of my life?”

Mimi sat down and then got up. “Let me get my glass of wine.”

“Can’t be that bad,” Brenda said, a small frown forming on her face.

“No, no. I’m nervous after finally seeing you for the first time in nineteen years.”

“I’m still the same Brenda, more or less. You know, Mimi, I thought I’d see your name on somebody’s record label and I’d tell everyone that she was my best friend.”

Mimi stared at Brenda then looked away. “I’m a terminal disappointment, huh?”

Brenda got up from her seat. “No, you aren’t, Mimi. I’m grasping for straws, trying to understand where we went wrong.”

“We didn’t go wrong, Brenda.” Mimi went to Brenda and held her hands. “I’ve missed you, too. Not a day went by that I didn’t think of you. You were my best friend, and I loved you with all my heart. If you don’t remember anything else, remember that. Now sit down. I’m going to get that wine.”

Brenda sat down, but she was puzzled. She looked around the room and smiled at Mimi’s handiwork. She looked in the direction of the marble fireplace and saw what appeared to be a family picture. She started to get up but Mimi returned to the room.

“So why doesn’t Victor want me to see you?” Brenda asked forcefully.

Mimi wasn’t expecting Brenda’s forwardness. She remembered Brenda as more on the timid side. “We’ll get to it, but first let me tell you what I’ve been doing for the last nineteen years. I left Durham and went to Hampton, Virginia.”

“Did you continue your education there?”

“Yes, I did, and I met the most wonderful man who happens to be my husband.”

“Oh, you’re married. Is he working in Durham?”

“No, he’s a full bird Colonel in the Army. At the moment, he’s overseas getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan.”

“What a senseless war.”

“Yeah, it’s been rough. He’s served in Iraq several times.”

“So you met this wonderful man and you had a little girl.”

Brenda was pushing Mimi’s story faster than she wanted it to move. Mimi was planning to tell it a different way, but if there were patches in the story, she would smooth them out later. After all, this was why she called Brenda. To get it all out in the open. No more secrets between them, although it would be on track to hurt others…their daughters’ friendship for one.

“Yes, Raphael and I became proud parents of Afrika Nicole Bailey.”

“I can’t believe you still named your baby Afrika…that you remembered what we said a long time ago.”

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