Betrayal - By Lee Nichols Page 0,63

get over my parents’ distrust of him. The little seed of doubt they’d planted.

I started to say more, when the front door of the church opened. “That must be Natalie and the others,” I said.

“Come here.” He took my hand and led me behind the curtain. “I’m not done with you yet.”

I liked the sound of that. We climbed stairs that led to a galley overlooking the room below, and Bennett drew me into a secluded nook, hidden from anyone entering the building.

I licked my lips as he pulled me closer, tracing my hair with his fingers. “I missed you,” he said. “Every day. Every night.”

“Me, too.” I moved to kiss him, but up close he looked even more exhausted, his skin and his eyes ringed with red. I stopped. “Are you all right?”

“I am now that you’re here.”

“You look terrible, Bennett, you look—”

He kissed me and I forgot everything but the touch of his lips and the feel of his hands. I stroked him with my eyes half closed … then noticed his fingers.

His nails had turned purple. A chill spread in my chest. “What are you doing?”

He saw me staring at his hands, and pulled them away. “It makes me stronger, Emma. It’s the only way to stop Neos. To be with you.”

“Simon says Asarum is addictive. And deadly.”

“Not as deadly as facing Neos without my full powers. I’m stronger than ever.” He loosed a glow of power. “I can help you bring him down.”

I swallowed. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re the one stealing powers from ghostkeepers. You went to Abby and … and that guy in Maine, and—”

“I won’t let you face Neos alone,” he said.

“You’re gonna kill yourself with this stuff. Look at you.”

“I’d die for you.”

I could see the truth in his eyes. “No, Bennett. I don’t want you to die for me! I want us to live for each other, I want—”

Natalie’s voice called out from below. “Emma? Emma, where are you?”

“We’re here!” I cried.

“Don’t go,” Bennett begged, taking my arm.

I couldn’t help staring at his hands. “I have to. They’re worried.”

“Don’t be angry. There was no other way.”

“I’m not angry. I just … you look like you’re dying and—will you stop? You’re strong enough.”

“Not yet,” he said. “Not until he’s gone.”

I shook my head, tears in my eyes, as Natalie and the others called my name below. “I can’t do this without you,” I said. “I need you, I need you with me.”

His eyes held something suddenly fierce. “They expect you to do everything. Let Emma fight, let Emma die. I’m not just here to hold your hand, Emma, I’m here to fight beside you. And if this is what it takes—”

“Where are you?” Natalie called.

“I’m here,” I yelled, still looking at Bennett and blinking back tears. “Upstairs.”

“I love you,” he said. “Never doubt that.”

I pressed my lips against his, trying to compress all my love and worries and desires into one little kiss. We lingered a moment, cheeks pressed together, skin to skin, my hand pressed against his beating heart, neither of us wanting to let go.

“Emma!” Simon yelled. “Report in now!”

I buried my face in his neck one last time, then stepped from the nook and leaned against the railing of the galley, where I saw the team spread out among the pews in the room. Simon’s training was evident in how they kept their backs to each other, prepared for any attack.

“Up here,” I said. “I’m okay. I’m coming down.”

I heard the galley door close behind me and didn’t even turn around. I knew he was gone.


We sat on the cold stone stairs in front of the church and I told them everything—almost.

I’d never been one of those girls who obsessed about guys, who made drama over every imagined slight and inconsiderate remark. Or the kind of girl who totally changed herself to make a boy happy. And I certainly didn’t fall apart without a boyfriend, turning into some empty shell.

But at that moment, I would’ve done anything to see Bennett again. To hold him and heal him. To turn back time and keep him from resorting to Asarum—he’d only taken it to help me. I would’ve done anything to lose the curse of my powers and live a normal life. With him.

I told them everything except how much I was willing to sacrifice to be with Bennett.

“So your boyfriend is a junkie?” Lukas asked.

Natalie elbowed him. “Not helping.”

“What’ll happen to him?” I asked Simon.

“I’ve heard cases of ghostkeepers kicking Copyright 2016 - 2024