Betrayal - By Lee Nichols Page 0,59

better—use it.

I kept my distance from him, deflecting his thrusts and slashes and playing defense, while I thought about pain. The pain of my family disappearing and Bennett leaving me. The pain of Martha’s and Coby’s deaths. The pain of the ducking chair and of the ghostbite on my hands. Yet, here I was, still ticking like someone had filled me with Energizer batteries. Because the truth was, I was angry. That’s what kept me going. And I focused that anger on the Rake until I pinned him three times in a row—and he finally declared me “adequate.”

When we finished, we sat in the white linen easy chairs at one end of the room. The wall of windows was filled with black light, and I longed to shut the velvet curtains against the darkness, but was too tired to get up.

Yes? the Rake said, his blue eyes reminding me so much of Bennett’s. The way he teased me reminded me of Bennett, too.

What? I asked.

There’s something you want to ask me. I can see it in your face.

I’d been distracted by thoughts of Bennett, but, yeah, I did want to ask him something. Was your Emma always brave?

Not always. None of us are.

I—I’m scared. What if I can’t protect them all? What if I can’t win?

The Rake’s smile warmed me. Neos is right about one thing, Emma. You are the only real threat to him. He burns with raw power and hunger and hatred. But you … you burn brighter. You burn with life. He is stronger than you, but he doesn’t understand—he can’t understand—how fiercely you’ll fight for those you love. You were well chosen, Emma Vaile.

His sudden earnestness embarrassed me, so I said, Even though I’m just a girl?

Because you are just a girl, the Rake said, and faded into the ether.

The next morning, the light outside my window was dark gray: another beautiful day in Massachusetts. I rolled over for a few more moments of happily bedded bliss, and jumped when I saw Nicholas hovering over me.

Gah! What are you doing?

I sensed something, he said, his eyes big and frightened.

I reached for my dagger. What? In the house?

No. Yes. Outside—outside the gate. But not Neos—I don’t think—not now, I mean, except maybe—

Nicholas! Take a deep … whatever. Calm down. Tell me what you sensed.

He rippled for a moment, then said, Yes, mum. I was outside, and I felt someone powerful on the street. A strange man. I thought a man, at least. He stank of power, so I hid between the oak tree and the fence, and I watched. And he stared at the house—at your window, I think. For a long time.

At my window, I said, my heart hammering.

Nicholas nodded. And I watched and watched. Then he finally left and I—I stayed there, hidden. I didn’t move. Not for hours. I was that afraid, mum.

I tried to smile at him. You do look a little … off. He was always pale—I mean, he was a ghost—but there was a greenish tinge to his pallor this morning. Then what?

I crept closer to where he’d been standing, and I found this. He held out his hand to me, and in his palm was a small gray metal disk, like a flattened coin with slight indentations.

My spine tingled as I stared at the disk. I was getting some serious ghostly ping off it. What is that?

I dunno, mum. I thought a button at first, but it’s not a button. I think he might’ve rubbed it, like a rosary.

The skin on my arms began to prickle and my ghostbitten hands itched. I was afraid to touch the disk, terrified that I’d flash onto some awful place.

Nicholas thrust his hand closer. Here, mum.

Not yet, I said. Go stand in the hall.

Please, take it. I’m afraid of Neos. You have to find him. His eyes were wide and trusting, expecting me to handle everything.

I will, Nicholas. I just need to be ready.

I followed him from the bedroom and marched down the hall knocking on doors, and yelling for everyone to wake up.

Simon was the first to appear. He was wearing a white T-shirt and red flannel pajama bottoms. “Bloody hell, Emma, what’s happened?”

“Does that really count as swearing in England?” Natalie’s voice came from behind me. She wore a black satin mini nightie, very sex kittenish. “I always wondered if it’s like saying fu—”

“Natalie!” I interrupted. “Get dressed—how do you sleep in that? Where’s Lukas?”

On cue, Lukas stumbled from his room wearing Copyright 2016 - 2024