Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,76

rest of the dance, and afterwards she departed with only a few words out of simple courtesy. He was relieved he was now left to himself, especially when he caught a glimpse of Georgiana with Rowley beside her…

Now he knew without a doubt the man was indeed romantically interested in her, he felt equally confident he was the one who had started the rumor.

Unfortunately, there was no way in which he could prove it, not yet at least. Until he heard back from Felicia, there was nothing he could do. He hoped more than ever, she wouldn’t take too long to write back to him…


The next morning, Georgiana woke up feeling far from rested. She hardly said a word to Lucy, as the young maid got her ready for the day. As the ball had lasted so late the previous night, breakfast was also late, and she felt no hurry to get to the breakfast table.

She felt even less inclined to begin the day, when she saw Ambrose was already there with her aunt and uncle at the table. She brushed away the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach and smiled at all of them.

She was courting Ambrose. It was ridiculous to be anything other than happy to see him, especially since he was so obviously delighted to see her.

“Good morning,” she told the others, as Ambrose jumped up from his seat to hold her chair for her.

As the others replied in kind, she noticed a peculiar sort of smile on Jonas’s face. Looking at her aunt, she found the same smile there, as well.

“So,” her uncle began after glancing at his wife. “I must admit I was surprised by a piece of news this morning.”

Georgiana was on the brink of asking what news could make him smile so, when she felt Ambrose openly grab her hand and hold it in his own as he sat beside her. She glanced up in surprise that he would do such a thing in front of Jonas and Adelaide. Then, she realized without asking what her uncle meant.

“Just imagine me, barely awake, when I heard the butler tell me Ambrose was here and wanting to speak to me,” Jonas continued. “I was concerned, at first, something might be wrong. However, by the time he had finished asking my permission to court you, you can rest assured I was fully awake.”

Though she felt her uncle wanted her to reply, to say something to affirm it was real, her mind felt blank. Fortunately, a small smile from her seemed to be sufficient.

“I suppose I am left with just one question, dear Georgiana,” he said as he reached over and held her other hand, looking earnestly in her eyes as his amusement faded. “Is this what you want? Mr. Rowley has made it perfectly clear, and I have no doubts that he desires it. But, as my niece, your wishes will always come first.”

She felt a strong desire to turn away from the searching gaze, but she held herself fast, concentrating on all the dear things about Ambrose which had made her agree to court him in the first place.

“Yes. I am certain it is what I want,” she finally managed to say. At that moment, she felt it was true. At least, that it could be true. Surely, there would be no more difficulties to make her reconsider.

“Then we are very happy for you,” he said, as he patted her hand before withdrawing his own. “I give you both my blessing.”

Georgiana looked up at Ambrose with a smile, squeezing his hand, which still enclosed her own. “Thank you, Uncle. I would never have agreed without your blessing.”

“I suppose we should have seen this coming,” Adelaide added, now her husband had finished speaking. “But, honestly, I would never have even guessed, though, now … it seems obvious.”

If there was a slight flicker of uncertainty in her aunt’s expression, Georgiana chose to ignore it. Instead, she turned to Ambrose and started up a conversation she knew he would be pleased with.

“So, what shall we do first?” she asked, adding as much enthusiasm in her voice as she could manage. “Perhaps we could start with a ride together after breakfast. I must admit, I didn’t look out of my window this morning. Does it look like good weather for a ride?”

He beamed at her as he nodded in agreement. “A ride sounds wonderful. It is a lovely day outside, so we might arrange for a small Copyright 2016 - 2024