Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,73

Amphitrite was Georgiana, it seemed more likely the closer he approached. When he stood in front of her, there was no longer any doubt in his mind of her identity. The only real questions remaining were whether she recognized him and if she would accept his invitation to dance.

Bowing in front of her to get her attention, he tried to quell his nervousness as he asked, “May I have the honor of sharing this set with you?”

He could feel himself holding his breath as he waited for her reply. Even though he had danced with her not too long ago, he deeply wanted the opportunity to dance with her in his arms once again.


Georgiana sighed with relief when Ambrose left her side for a moment. Since she had agreed to court him, he had been somewhat annoying. She knew it was only because he was so happy and excited, but he had become a little overbearing.

She walked towards the refreshment table, in part because she wanted something to drink and also because it would give her more time away from Ambrose. Her mind went over some of the annoying things he had said or done since arriving at the ball.

He had remarked how fitting it was that he was Poseidon while she was Amphitrite, Poseidon’s wife. He went so far as to hint that part of her must think they would make a fine couple even then without her having realized it.

As she recalled, the only thing she had been thinking of at the time she had picked his costume was that his eyes were blue and wearing a blue costume would match his eyes.

She sighed as she reached the refreshments and was about to help herself to some punch when a masked gentleman, dressed as Odysseus, approached her, and asked, “May I have the honor of sharing this set with you?”

Hesitating for only a moment, she nodded and put her hand in his. It would keep Ambrose away for a little longer and, perhaps, give her a little time to think.

She did not even pause to consider if she knew the man who was leading her into position on the dance floor. At masquerades like this one, many people mingled and danced without knowing who they were with.

As the dance began, however, he caught her full attention by drawing her close in a familiar way and whispering, “Georgiana?”

Looking up sharply at the eyes of the man she was dancing with, she gasped slightly. “Walter?” she asked, not even noticing she had called him by his first name instead of his title.

The grin which instantly appeared on his face seemed slightly hesitant, but it was genuine. “How did you know it was me?” she asked.

He laughed lightly as he twirled her around for the dance. “Well … I remember you once talked to me about Amphitrite and how fascinated you are by her…” he admitted.

“You remembered that?” she asked incredulously, recalling they had talked about it when they first met. She felt touched he had remembered so small a detail about her.

“Yes, I think I still remember everything about you,” he told her.

The intensity in his eyes made her heart thump in her chest. There was no denying the electric connection between them was still there, even after all that had happened and the two years they had spent apart.

“I doubt that,” she replied, trying to deny both his words and the attraction she felt for him. “After all, I may have changed while you were gone.”

Though she meant her words to be biting, he seemed to brush them off as he replied, “I am capable of getting to know you all over again. Didn’t you say we could be friends? And isn’t that what friends do: get to know each other?”

“Yes…” she was forced to admit.

“I may have changed a little over the last couple of years, as well,” he told her, as the dance drew them close again.

“Oh?” was all she could manage in reply, as she was starting to feel quite frazzled.

She could not scold him for pulling her too close during the dance, because he maintained the polite distance between them. Georgiana tried to ignore the slight feeling of disappointment at the separation, yet, at the same time, she felt they were far too close to each other.

He waited until the dance brought them close again before he replied, “Yes. For example, my favorite author has changed. Is yours still the same?”

“Yes,” she replied, once again Copyright 2016 - 2024