Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,51

you didn’t forgive him or anything like that. After what he did to you, I don’t feel he deserves to be forgiven.”

“Actually … he didn’t really apologize…”

Hiding his relief and showing only his real confusion, he exclaimed, “What? After all he did, he did not even apologize?”

She shook her head. “I think he was too surprised by the realization I am not married, or even engaged. He might have been about to apologize, but I did not want to be in his company any longer at that point.”

“An apology is the very first thing that should have come to mind, though no apology he could have made would have in any way made up for what he put you through. I think, even if he does find the proper words to say the next time you see him, you should not accept it.”

“Hmm … if I can tell he is sincere, I might be willing to accept his apology … but, if I do so, I will make it perfectly clear that we are going to be nothing more than friends—at the very most.”

Ambrose wasn’t pleased to hear it. Friends talked to each other, and he did not want Georgiana to talk to Walter at all. There had to be something more he could say.

As he thought about it, he let the silence hang between them for a moment, before remarking in a thoughtful manner, “You know … I think it proves a lot about Walter’s character that he never had the decency to ask anyone about the rumor you were already engaged.”

Georgiana tilted her head to the side as she seemed to consider what he had said. “What do you mean? What does this have to do with his character?”

“Well, isn’t it obvious? He assumed the worst about you without even getting your side of the matter. That is hardly anything but a flaw in character. Can you imagine what your life would have been if you had not found out about this until after you had married him? He might have heard you spent too much time talking to another gentleman and assumed you had been unfaithful to him.”

Though he detected a flicker of pain cross her face, he could see she also discerned some truth in what he said before she replied, “Somehow, I can see him doing just that. And he would have held it against me for a while too, until I forced him to listen to me…”

“Assuming he did not leave the country, as he has already proved he is capable of doing.”

“You’re right,” she admitted with a sigh. “It would have been quite miserable. Of course, such a circumstance might never have happened, but it could have occurred at any point and about almost anything.”

Ambrose hid his pleasure at her agreement behind a mask of sympathy. “I think, on the whole, it might be for the best that things ended up the way they have—even though it has caused you so much pain now. After all, you still have a bright and happy future. I will always do my best to make certain of it.”

Georgianna smiled up at him. “I don’t know what I would do without you. You have been by my side through this whole thing, and I am certain I wouldn’t have had the fortitude to attend the season without you.”

He inwardly wished with all his being that she hadn’t attended the season. The expression on her face as she expressed her gratitude only made him wish to see her look at him in that way with love, but he pushed those feelings aside to smile back at her.

“Your friendship means everything to me, and I would do anything you wish me to,” he replied. His statement was true, as far as it went, though he wanted them to be much more.

“Well, I suppose I have kept you more than long enough. My aunt no doubt sent you up to change your clothes, and here I am keeping you from doing so with my chatter. I probably should have waited to talk with you until later.”

“I don’t mind at all. In fact, I am flattered you felt the need to tell me everything as soon as you saw me,” he said. “Still, if you will excuse me, I am afraid I will be late for dinner if you don’t let me go now.”

He loved the sound of her light laughter as she started her descent of the staircase. “Very well. Copyright 2016 - 2024