Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,46

sat across from him. He kept looking aimlessly out of the carriage window, even as it started moving.

His guilt had found a center he could fix upon. He knew he tended to be impulsive at times and had perhaps a slightly more than healthy amount of pride when it came to certain things.

It was to these two flaws he was able to trace the whole misunderstanding between him and Georgianna back to. His impulsiveness had led him to leave for France on the first ship he could book passage on, and his pride had told him he would only be making a fool of himself if he asked her if the rumor was true.

Now, he found himself filled with nothing but regret. He had ruined their relationship, the life they could have had together. There had to be some way he could make it right…

His mother pulled him out of his thoughts by speaking to him. “So, do you intend to tell me what the matter was earlier?”

Walter sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck. He knew from her tone of voice she would not press for an answer if he was unwilling to give it, but he felt the need to unburden himself. “I talked with Georgiana, I mean, Miss Montgomery.”

There was a long moment of silence. “And? Were you able to resolve things between you?”

He sighed again, more deeply this time. “I found out … well, perhaps I should start at the beginning. I know I never told you exactly why I left, though you doubtless understood it had something to do with Miss Montgomery and me.”

“I always knew that … but I could never figure out what could have driven the two of you apart.”

“Well … it was simple. At least, I thought it was. Now, I am not so certain. I had heard a rumor—a false one, as it turns out– that she was engaged to Mr. Ambrose Rowley. That it was simply a quiet engagement few people knew about.”

When he glanced at his mother, he saw the genuine surprise on her face as a frown began to form. “Why should someone start such a rumor?”

“I don’t know. But I heard it, and left, and now that I know… I am afraid Miss Montgomery will never forgive me for believing such a lie about her. I can hardly believe myself for thinking it possible, even for a moment!”

“And you, my poor, impulsive boy, left without saying a word to anyone who might have been able to set you straight.”

Walter looked both sheepish and guilty. “Yes … that about sums it up. I only discovered the truth tonight. When I first came back from France and saw her, I thought she would doubtless be married by now.”

“Well, now you know, perhaps you can finally put your mind at rest and move on. You will probably never be able to explain your own actions, even to yourself, but at least you know what happened.”

“Move on? Part of me is not certain I want to move on…”

His mother seemed surprised. “I see … but I highly doubt what you are hinting at is even possible, Walter.”

“And why not? There must be some way I can make it up to her, some way to make it right, even if it means I have to completely start over with her.”

Sylvia shook her head. “No. I don’t think that is possible. I don’t even think it would be advisable.”

“Not advisable?” Now he was truly puzzled. “Why wouldn’t it be advisable to make amends with the girl I used to love and who a part of me still might love? You wish me to marry someone with good connections, and she has better ones than Miss Rutherford.”

He watched as his mother hesitated, clearly having something to say but troubled for some reason. He gave her a moment, and then saw her come to a decision. The pursing of her lips before she began to speak, hinted she believed he would not like what she had to say.

“Walter, you have never paid any attention to gossip, and I don’t think you have ever understood how gossip works. Men in general do not seem to pay as much mind to such things, but it does not even seem to enter your mind.”

“What are you getting at, Mother?” he asked, wanting her to get to the point.

“Do you have any clue as to what rumors you started when you left so suddenly and at such Copyright 2016 - 2024