Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,40

quite well. At least, she had thought so, but, if what he was saying were true, perhaps she had been wrong…?

But Walter went on, “Instead of encouraging me, she told me she had been told you were already engaged to be married to Mr. Ambrose Rowley, that it was too late for me, as you had been engaged for some time, but you were simply not making it known yet…”

Georgiana wondered if it were possible to feel one’s own brain freezing up with shock. Engaged? To Ambrose? Certainly, there was nothing wrong with him, but that still didn’t mean she had ever wanted to marry him.

Along with the shock, realization sank in, as well. So, that is why Walter left. He heard I was engaged to someone else. What must he think of me to have believed such a thing?

That last question sent a sharp pain through her heart. At least she knew now, but at what cost?

Chapter 14

Walter felt every bit as stunned as Georgiana was clearly feeling. So, she hadn’t been engaged at all. And she wasn’t married to Ambrose Rowley, or anyone. For the last two years, he had believed a lie…

If he hadn’t heard she was engaged to Rowley, he would have asked to court her. He knew now there would have been nothing preventing her from saying yes.

From there, they would have been married. Everyone would have been there, her aunt and uncle, his mother, and all their friends. Then, they would have settled down at Bartlett Manor. His mother would have enjoyed planning the season’s events with her.

As the thoughts of what might have been continued to bombard his stunned mind, he couldn’t help but picture in his mind what his life with her would look like now had not been for that confounded lie…

Walter had gone home to the townhouse after a long meeting. Though it had been tiresome, he was quite pleased he had accomplished the signing of a business contract which would, hopefully, increase the profits of the shop he owned.

As he entered the house, he had been surprised to note Georgiana was not there waiting for him as she usually was. Then, he smiled as he recalled where she was likely to be.

He went through the house and to the terrace, where his wife sat, two servants on hand, as she looked through samples at the small table set up there. She was so busy, she didn’t even notice his approach. Walter motioned the servants to silence, intending to surprise her.

He felt himself grinning broadly as he stepped up behind her and grabbed her about her waist. With a small scream of surprise, she flailed a little as she turned to see him, her surprise almost instantly turning into a glare as she tried to catch her breath.

“That was uncalled for, Walter,” she told him with a pout, but she did not pull out of his arms, which stayed wrapped around her.

He could not entirely refrain from laughing at her expression. “I know. But you being here is also uncalled for. I thought we had an agreement…”

She had the sense to look slightly ashamed of herself. “It was such a lovely day, and I don’t feel at all in need of resting.”

With one of his hands, he lifted her chin. “I agreed we would only attend this season if you did not overexert yourself and said you may plan one event, so long as my mother does most of the work. You agreed to it.”

Georgiana heaved a dramatic sigh as she put her arms on her husband’s shoulders. “But I don’t feel simply looking at menus and place settings and such like, is any trouble at all…”

“And where is my mother, by the way?” he asked, wondering how she had let such a thing slip past her.

A grin almost instantly appeared on his wife’s face, hinting at some form of mischief. “Come, I will show you,” she said as, with a quick peck to his cheek, she removed her arms, grabbed one of his hands, and led him back into the manor.

Curious as to where they were going, Walter let her lead him through the halls and towards the drawing room. Understanding and a fond smile formed on his face when he saw what she wanted to show him.

There, fast asleep on the sofa, was his mother. In her arms was a little bundle, also fast asleep. “See?” Georgiana whispered. “I couldn’t bear to wake either of them, I did Copyright 2016 - 2024