Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,27

eyes of the duchess that she had not forgotten; she just wanted her to say it out loud. However, she loved talking with the dear old lady, so she obliged in detail.

“My aunt once told me that getting muddy was not good for me, and it might make me sick. So, when I saw small piglets playing in mud, I thought it would apply to them, too. The blanket I used first only seemed to soak up the mud, but I soon found pillows and cushions worked much better at preventing the piglets from getting to the mud to play.”

Everyone present, including Georgiana herself, found the memory amusing. The duchess, after a brief pause, continued the story, “And then, when I noticed my cushion was missing, you came right up to me and told me you had taken it.”

“Of course! I was certain anyone would understand it was for a good cause,” she replied.

“And, if that were not enough, you then refused to return it to me. I must say, though I was far too shocked at the time to appreciate it, your dear aunt was quite at a loss as to what to do!”

“Well, pardon me for thinking my young niece had just made such a terrible impression on the Duchess of Elwood,” Adelaide interjected.

“Well, well. We could stay here talking all day, but I fear I have other guests to welcome. I hope you enjoy my soiree, dears,” Mary told them as, with an affectionate pat on Georgiana’s cheek, she dismissed them.

Georgiana had all but forgotten her concerns during the pleasant conversation. Now Ambrose was leading her to the drawing room, some of the worry returned, but not to the same degree as before.

Ambrose seemed to notice it, as he remarked, “That was very nice of her.”

“Yes, it was. I think it was her intention to make me feel comfortable,” she replied as they entered the living room.

“Well, where shall we begin this evening? I see there are some card tables over there, refreshments over on the other side of the room, and that open space over there seems to be intended for dancing.”

“Hmm… I don’t think there are enough people yet to really enjoy dancing, nor am I hungry or thirsty, so shall we take one of the card tables for now until it is wanted by whist players?”

“Very well, and what shall we play?” he asked as he led her in that direction.

“It has been a while since we played Mariage. Perhaps we could play a quick game while more guests arrive?”

Ambrose smiled as they sat down at the table. “You know … we could stay here and play cards all evening long. Most people are well aware of how close your family is with the dowager duchess, so I doubt anyone will ask us for the use of the table.”

She swatted at him as he began to shuffle the cards, and quickly retorted, “You know we can’t do that. It would be rude, so don’t even suggest it.”

“Well, after I beat you at this game, you may want a chance to beat me. Then, if you win, we may need to play a third time to determine the true winner.”

“But you won’t win,” she told him confidently. “You rarely do when we play this game. So, I will win, and then we will do something else.”

Ambrose pretended to look offended as they began the game. However, her prediction was proven to be correct as she did win, though the game was a close one.

When that was done, they were prevailed upon to join two others in a game of whist. Though only vaguely familiar with the gentlemen, the game was a congenial one, with Ambrose keeping the conversation light when it threatened to get serious.

When the game was over, they were invited to begin another, but Georgiana shook her head. “Thank you, but I don’t want to spend all evening over in this corner of the room, however enjoyable the company may be,” she told them courteously as both she and Ambrose rose.

“And where shall we go next?” he asked her as they walked away.

“Well, if Her Grace were not so busy, I wouldn’t mind talking to her, but perhaps her current conversation will end soon. In the meantime, I suppose I could talk to you…”

“How kind of you.”

“Yes, it is kind of me. Especially as I was reminded of something earlier…”

“And what was that?”

“That it was your fault I put all those cushions in Copyright 2016 - 2024