Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,22

that Ambrose had been silent for a while. Glancing up at him, he seemed to be especially disturbed by something.

Seeing her looking at him, Ambrose replied, “I wonder why he assumed we are married. He is aware we are childhood friends, is he not?”

She nodded emphatically, and then shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t have the foggiest idea what could have made him think it. I spoke of you fairly often, from what I can recall, and I know you met each other during the season…”

Ambrose still seemed troubled by it, finally saying, “Perhaps he is trying to goad you into talking to him? Or perhaps it is something else. Who knows? But I think it would be best not to dwell on it any longer.”

“I suppose you’re right…”

“Trust me on this,” he told her kindly. “What good could possibly come of it anyway?”

“You have a point,” she reluctantly agreed.

“One thing I am curious to know is—”

“Miss Georgiana!” Lucy called, interrupting whatever Ambrose had been about to say.

“Oh, excuse me, Ambrose,” Georgiana quickly turned and went back to the house. “Yes? What is it, Lucy?”

“The countess is ready to leave for town, Miss Georgiana,” Lucy informed her, a light wrap in her hand to put on her mistress before she could leave.

“Perhaps I could come with you and your aunt?” Ambrose, who had followed her to the house, suggested.

“Thank you, Lucy,” she replied as she let Lucy put the wrap on her. “And, yes, I would love it if you would come along, if it will not be too dull for you. After all, I don’t see what could be of interest to you in a perfumery.”

“True, but there are other shops on Bond Street I can visit if I get bored,” he replied, as he walked her to the waiting carriage where her aunt was waiting for her.

“I am glad you are well enough to come with me this morning,” Adelaide told her as Ambrose helped them both into the carriage. “Ah, are you coming, too, Ambrose, dear? I should have guessed as much.”

“As long as you do not mind my company?”

“Not at all,” Adelaide quickly replied. “At the very least you may provide us with some amusement, since I doubt you know the first thing about perfume or any of the other things they are likely to sell there.”

“Well, if you wish me to be amusing, I am sure I can oblige you,” he replied cheekily as he got in and signaled the coachman to start.

Georgiana snickered slightly. “But we mean you are to be unintentionally amusing, without the need to try.”

“Then how much more will you laugh if I happen to be both intentionally and unintentionally funny?”

Their banter flowed easily during the trip. Georgiana was able, for the first time since the previous evening, to truly relax, and they arrived at the perfumery before she was even aware of it.

Ambrose, as he had said he would, went in with them. His whole face was alight with amusement, so much so that even Adelaide found it difficult at times to keep her smile within moderate bounds.

While Ambrose attempted to be funny, he never at any point did so in an inappropriate or unseemly fashion. The result was that those employed at the perfumery decided unanimously he was a most congenial young man.

Aside from perfumes, there were scented waters, lotions, and salts and oils for scented baths. Ambrose stood near the ladies, giving his opinion on certain scents when asked.

They purchased a few items, including some smelling salts for Georgiana, on Adelaide’s insistence. Once finished, they decided to make their rounds of some of the other shops along Bond Street.

At the booksellers, Georgiana eagerly inquired about Emma, to find there were no copies available just then but some were soon expected to be delivered.

Some embroidery thread, a new pair of gloves, and other random items were also purchased before they decided to return to Irvington Manor some hours later, to get ready for the soiree at Elwood Manor.

Georgiana’s good mood quickly evaporated, as she was reminded she would have to place herself under the ton’s scrutiny once again. What bothered her the most was knowing the dread she felt at the thought of seeing Walter again was mixed with a tiny bit of longing, too...

Chapter 8

When Walter saw the lightening of the sky outside his window, he sighed and rubbed at his weary eyes. “So much for getting some sleep,” he murmured to himself as he got out of bed.

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