Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,20

her head on her aunt’s shoulder, and nothing more was said for the remainder of the short ride. Normally, she and Adelaide would have been having an animated conversation about what everyone had been wearing at the ball and the things that had been heard and said, with Uncle Jonas playfully complaining at having to listen.

This time, however, the ride was silent, so Georgiana felt she might have dozed off if her mind were not so preoccupied. She wondered if she would be able to sleep, even though she felt exhausted.

By the time they arrived at home, Ambrose hastily exited his own carriage and approached to help Georgianna out. In getting up from the seat, however, she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her.

As one foot landed on the ground, Georgiana felt her weakness get the better of her and everything began to spin. She was vaguely aware of Ambrose saying something in a tone of concern, but the sound seemed to come from a long way off.

Finally, she could no longer continue the fight to stay on her feet and felt herself swoon. Georgiana was barely aware of not hitting the ground, opening her eyes for just a moment to discern Ambrose lifting her into his arms before her world faded to black.


The first thing Georgianna was aware of was a strong smell right underneath her nose. Somehow, the smell startled her awake, enough to jolt her back to her senses, and she recognized the scent of smelling salts.

Opening her eyes, she was surprised to see the family physician sitting next to her. “What happened?” she asked with some confusion, as she had also noticed she was in her bedroom. How long did I lose consciousness for, I wonder?

“You had a fainting spell, dear girl,” the elderly Doctor Amos replied, as he looked at her eyes and checked her pulse.

Georgiana sighed and lay her head back on the pillow. She had never fainted in her life before and despised the fact she had now done so.

“So, she will be alright?” her aunt asked Dr. Amos, as she smoothed Georgiana’s hair the moment it seemed likely the man would permit her to approach her niece.

“Yes. A good night’s rest should be all that is needed,” he replied as he began to put the salts and his other supplies away.

“Do you think a glass of warm milk would be of any help?” Adelaide asked.

“I don’t see that it would hurt … if she feels up to drinking it, then she may.”

Georgiana, feeling her aunt looking at her questioningly, replied, “I think perhaps just half a tumbler of it.”

Adelaide motioned for Lucy, who had been waiting in a corner. As the physician left the room, it seemed he must have given permission for Jonas and Ambrose to enter.

Neither rushed straight over, instead walking over calmly and stopping a few feet away. Both were obviously under strict orders from Dr. Amos not to excite her.

“How are you, dear?” Jonas was the first to ask.

“I am fine. I only fainted, Uncle,” she replied. “I will be myself by morning.”

“Perhaps you should make your excuses for tomorrow?” Ambrose suggested.

Georgiana frowned. “I would rather not do that, but we shall see how I feel when I wake up.”

“Alright, dear,” her aunt said. “But if you feel at all weak, I am going to insist you not even attempt to attend the soiree. For now, we will leave you to rest. Lucy should return soon with your milk. Rest well, Georgiana.”

“Goodnight, Aunt Adelaide, Uncle. And goodnight to you, too, Ambrose,” she said. Adelaide shooed the others out of the room.

“Goodnight, dear one.”

“Goodnight, Georgiana. I will return early in the morning to check on you.”

A couple of minutes later, Lucy was back with the requested milk. She wordlessly assisted Georgiana to drink it, and then tucked her into bed.

Georgiana fell asleep quickly and slept soundly, not waking until the sun was shining through the window the next morning. Lucy was already awake and sitting nearby, ready for the moment her mistress awoke.

“How are you feeling this morning, Miss?”

Georgianna sat up and stretched slightly before replying with some surprise, “I actually feel perfectly well.”

“Everyone will be happy to hear it,” Lucy remarked, looking relieved herself that her beloved mistress was doing better.

“Is everyone else awake? Is Ambrose here?”

“Yes, and yes. I believe they are all in the main dining room.”

“Then, I must let them know how I am!” she replied, as she hastily got out of bed and Copyright 2016 - 2024