Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,11

Far East last year, you were one of the first people I looked up, only to find you were in France. When did you return?”

“Only recently. My mother has convinced me to attend the season. But, come, tell me about yourself. It has been … what, five years? But your time in the East hasn’t weakened your grip, my friend!” Walter remarked, wincing at the man’s forceful grip. Henry laughed but let go of his young friend’s hand. “We must catch up. What are you doing now?”

Walter pulled out his pocket watch, noting it was already afternoon. “I have nothing more to do today as far as business is concerned. But I must be home in time to prepare for the ball this evening.”

“Well, that gives us a couple of hours! That is plenty of time to get started. Have you eaten anything since breakfast?”

“No. Do you have somewhere in mind?”

“Have you been to Huxley’s?” Henry put a hand on Walter’s shoulder as they headed to the latter’s carriage. When Walter shook his head to the contrary, he continued, “Well, then, this will be a treat.”

After telling the coachman where to go, Henry told him a little about where they were heading. “Huxley’s is a prominent gentlemen’s club. They have drinks there, but we should be able to get a little something to eat, as well. It is still fairly new, but already extremely popular.”

“I haven’t been back in London long enough to hear of it yet, I suppose. And, besides, I am not much of a gambler, as you know, though I am not against the occasional bet on a good horse or some other such thing.”

“Oh, do not worry about that. True, there is plenty of gambling done at Huxley’s, but there is also a wide variety of other things to do there for a gentleman like yourself who only gambles in moderation. That is partially why it has grown so much in the two or three years since it was founded.

“The location is, perhaps, another reason why it is flourishing. On that same street are many other amusements appropriate for young gentlemen. There is even a bit of boxing to be had at a club there, a sport which I have taken up myself.”

“Really? Well, I suppose that accounts for your iron grip!”

“You should try it sometime, or at least stop by long enough to let me introduce you around.”

“It would seem I am due a number of introductions. It is surprising, considering I have been gone for less than two years,” he replied, as the carriage came to a stop at their destination.

“Well, let us start here! Though you are only here today as my guest, I have no doubt you could easily become a member if you wanted to. A good introduction is the first step in that direction.”

Walter soon found when Henry had said he would introduce him to people at the club, he didn’t do introductions by half measures. He met two gentlemen near the door, Henry took him by the whist tables and introduced him to the half a dozen men there, and then found another one or two along the way to a small dining area.

In each case, Walter was told their name, rank, occupation, and a little about them. Walter knew he would only be able to remember perhaps half of the information, but one or two stood out as possible friends, and he resolved to make a better acquaintance with them.

In the dining area, there were a few foods such as cold pork, cheeses, hot tea, and a few other items for the gentlemen to help themselves to. As Walter put some of the selection on his plate, he turned the conversation towards the topic he most wanted to hear about.

“So, how was the Far East? You haven’t told me much about it yet. Was it as exciting as you thought it would be?”

“Yes and no,” Henry replied as they sat. “Certainly, the customs are strange, and new, and interesting. However, though novel at first, some aspects of life there can become rather tedious.”

“Give me an example.”

“Well, talking to people can be a challenge in itself at times. I did try to learn to talk Mandarin, to get around the tedious process of having to have a translator, but that language requires such strict pronunciation, it was easier to pay them to learn English!

“Also, I don’t think anything can beat a good English horse when traveling on horseback. While Copyright 2016 - 2024