The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,21

a smile. “I didn’t think you did.”

He felt around the pup’s body, looking for swelling or fractures anywhere else. He didn’t find anything that felt out of place, fortunately. He took out his stethoscope and listened to her heartbeat, as well as other parts of her, hoping he wouldn’t hear anything out of sorts. Everything sounded good, too. Her three uninjured legs were fine, so he concentrated on her front left paw.

The puppy cried when he tried to straighten her leg, and Jason could tell from feel that there was something off.

He looked up at Joe. “Let’s get an x-ray.”

Joe nodded, scooped the pup up in his arms and carried her out the door.

Erin chewed on her bottom lip and cocked her head to the side. “Do you think she’s going to be okay?”

“Other than the leg, she seems fine. A little undernourished, which isn’t a surprise considering where you found her. People dump unwanted animals on country roads all the time.”

Erin frowned. “Those people are assholes.”

“Yeah, they are.”

“She’s so sweet, Jason. She just laid in my lap the entire way here, snuggling close to me like she didn’t have anyone to love her.”

He saw her eyes shimmer with tears.

Shit. He stepped in and put his arms around her. She laid her head on his chest, her hands pressed against him, and all he wanted to do was make this all right for her.

He took a step back and looked down into her incredibly sad green eyes.

“We’ll fix her, Erin.”

“I know you will.”

“I’m gonna go take a look at those x-rays. Take a seat, take a breath and I’ll be back soon.”

She nodded and he escaped the room and leaned against the door so he could take a breath, too.

Something about being so close to Erin always made him feel so . . .

Hell. He didn’t know how he felt, but she messed him up in a way he couldn’t explain.

He went over and read the x-rays, grimacing as he examined them closely. He’d thought maybe it was a sprain, but it was more complicated than that.

He walked back into the exam room. Joe had brought the pup back in so Erin was cradling her against her chest. She looked up.

“What’s the verdict?”

“She has a fracture of the radius and ulna.”

“Okay. How do we fix it?”

“I’ll have to do surgery and realign the break, then put in some screws and plates to make sure the bones don’t move.”

“Oh. Will she be okay?”

“She’ll be fine. It won’t hinder her mobility, though whoever fosters her during her recovery will have to limit her mobility some while she recovers.”

Erin cuddled the pup closer. “Someone will foster her?”

“I’m assuming she was dumped on the side of the road, Erin. We’ll have to find a foster organization to take her in. Then, when her cast comes off, she’ll go up for adoption.”

She looked down at the pup. “What if I wanted to keep her?”

“You want to foster her?”

“No. I want to keep her. Adopt her. Make her part of my family forever.”

Oh, crap. He was already in dangerous territory with Erin as it was. And now she wanted to keep this dog?

“You can definitely do that, but she’ll require some extra care. You sure you’re up for that?”

“I’m absolutely up for it. You tell me what I need to do and I’ll take care of it.”

“Okay. First, she probably needs a name.”


He laughed. “That was quick.”

“Come on, look at her face. Doesn’t she look like an Agatha?”

He looked at the pup, who had fallen asleep cradled in Erin’s arms. “Sure. We’ll note it on her chart. Agatha Bellini.”

Erin grinned. “Perfect. Hey, what do you think her breed is?”

“Let me see her.” He went over and Erin handed the puppy over to Jason. The puppy yawned and opened its eyes. It had distinctive coloring and fur, but he couldn’t be certain of all of its origins. Some were clear though.

“For sure it’s part Goldendoodle.”

“What’s that?”

“Golden retriever and poodle. It’s a very popular mixed breed. But there’s something else mixed with it and I can’t say for certain what that is. She sure is cute, though.”

“Exactly. So why would anyone dump her? She’s adorable. A little filthy and she smells, but she’s adorable.”

“No clue why some people are dicks. But you’re right. She’s very cute. We’ll get her cleaned up before we give her back to you, and we’ll give her all the vaccinations she needs to have at this age.”

She smiled, and her face lit up. Copyright 2016 - 2024