Best Kept Secret - By Jeffrey Archer Page 0,93

stay here tonight, and we’ll try and work out what you should do next.’

‘But how will your pa feel about that?’

‘On the way here from school, I told him I wouldn’t be going up to Cambridge in September if it hadn’t been for you taking the blame. He said I was lucky to have such a friend, and he’d like the chance to thank you personally.’

‘If Banks-Williams had seen you first, Bruno, you would have done exactly the same thing.’

‘That’s not the point, Seb. He saw you first, so I got away with a thrashing and Vic escaped scot free, and only just in time, because Vic had been hoping to get to know Ruby more intimately.’

‘Ruby,’ repeated Sebastian. ‘Did you find out what happened to her?’

‘She disappeared on the same day as you. Cook told me we wouldn’t be seeing her again.’

‘And you still think I have a chance of going to Cambridge?’

Both boys fell silent.

‘Elena,’ said Bruno when the maid returned, carrying a large fruitcake, ‘my friend will be returning to Paddington to pick up his things. Would you ask the chauffeur to drive him, and have a guest room prepared by the time he gets back?’

‘I’m afraid the chauffeur has just left to pick up your father from the office. I’m not expecting them back before dinner.’

‘Then you’ll have to take a taxi,’ said Bruno. ‘But not until you’ve sampled cook’s fruitcake.’

‘I’ve barely enough money for a bus, let alone a taxi,’ whispered Sebastian.

‘I’ll book you one and put it on my father’s account,’ said Bruno as he picked up the cake knife.

‘That’s wonderful news,’ said Mrs Tibbet, once Sebastian had told her everything that had happened that afternoon. ‘But I still think you should phone your parents and let them know where you are. After all, you still can’t be certain you’ve lost your place at Cambridge.’

‘Ruby’s been sacked, my housemaster refuses to discuss the subject, even Matron, who is never short of an opinion, wouldn’t say a word. I can promise you, Mrs Tibbet, I won’t be going up to Cambridge. In any case, my parents aren’t back from America until tomorrow, so I couldn’t get in touch with them even if I wanted to.’

Mrs Tibbet kept her counsel. ‘Well, if you’re leaving,’ she said, ‘you’d better go and pack your things because I could use the room. I’ve already had to turn away three customers.’

‘I’ll be as quick as I can.’ Sebastian left the kitchen and ran back up the stairs to his room. Once he’d packed and tidied up, he returned to find Mrs Tibbet and Janice standing in the hall waiting for him.

‘It’s been a memorable week, quite memorable,’ said Mrs Tibbet as she opened the front door, ‘and one Janice and me are unlikely to forget.’

‘When I write my memoirs, Tibby, you’ll get a whole chapter,’ Sebastian said as they walked out on to the pavement together.

‘You’ll have forgotten us both long before then,’ she said wistfully.

‘Not a hope. This will become my second home, you’ll see.’ Sebastian planted a kiss on Janice’s cheek, before giving Tibby a long hug. ‘You’re not going to get rid of me quite that easily,’ he added as he climbed back into the waiting taxi.

Mrs Tibbet and Janice waved as the cab began its journey back to Eaton Square. Tibby had wanted to tell him one more time, for heaven’s sake ring your mother the minute she gets back from America, but she knew it would be pointless.

‘Janice, go and change the sheets in number seven,’ she said as the taxi turned right at the end of the road and disappeared out of sight. Mrs Tibbet quickly returned to the house. If Seb wouldn’t get in touch with his mother, she would.

That evening, Bruno’s father took the boys to the Ritz for dinner; more champagne, and Sebastian’s first experience of oysters. Don Pedro, as he insisted Sebastian call him, thanked him again and again for shouldering the blame and making it possible for Bruno still to go to Cambridge. ‘So British,’ he kept repeating.

Bruno sat silently picking at his food, rarely joining in the conversation. All his confidence of the afternoon seemed to have evaporated in the presence of his father. But the biggest surprise of the evening came when Don Pedro revealed that Bruno had two older brothers, Diego and Luis, something he’d never mentioned before, and they’d certainly never visited him at Beechcroft Abbey. Sebastian wanted to ask why, but as his friend Copyright 2016 - 2024