Bennett Mafia - Tijan Page 0,79

of defense: scream. Try to tear down the building using your vocal chords.

The guy cursed.

Behind a ski mask, I could only see his eyes. He sailed past me, and we locked gazes for a split second.

He launched himself through the window just as stampeding footsteps arrived and my door burst open. One, two, three guards ran through, guns drawn, and they went right to the window, the one with a gaping hole in it now.

Kai appeared, taking my arm, but when he started to pull me close, I resisted.

“You okay? What happened?” he asked, but two of the guards were listening too.

I told them, and one raised a radio to his mouth. He began broadcasting the details.

“What happened?” Brooke asked from the doorway, a guard’s hand on her shoulder. She was pale, her eyes bulging. She held her hands in front of her chest. “Riley, you okay?”

I could feel Kai next to me, but I was shaken. I couldn’t lie. Not because there was guy in this house, this bedroom, or even because someone tried to come at me.

It was my father.

Kai barked, “Everyone. Leave.”

One by one, they did as he ordered, and the guard shut the door. Kai indicated for me to follow him. We went through the bathroom into the adjoining room, and he checked to be sure it was secure. He double-checked the patio door and the closet. The window. All for me.

I ran my palms down my jeans. They were sweaty. “My father knows.”

I hadn’t told the guards that part. Just that a guy came at me.

“He said, ‘Your father se—’ and then I screamed. Kai, he was wearing brown contact lenses.”

He was still, so still. It would’ve sent chills down my back, but they were already there.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded. “Around six feet tall, medium build, and I noticed the ring of brown color on the white part of his eye. Colored contacts.” A ball lodged at the back of my throat. There was no moving it, swallowing it, forcing it away. “He said your father. My father knows.” And now the million-dollar question, “How does my father know about me?”

Kai turned to face the patio door. His shoulders were rigid. “Because someone betrayed me.” He turned back, an apology in those dark eyes. “I made inquiries about your father’s whereabouts when we returned earlier this evening.”




Tears burned in my eyes.

I shook my head, wiping them away. I would not cry over that man. Ever.

I had made the decision to go after him, but this was happening too fast. I wanted more time.

“I’m sorry, Riley.” A fierce promise burned in Kai’s eyes. “I will find this man. He won’t get off the estate. I can promise you that.”

I shook my head. “How could he get someone here? How could he know this was where we were? I told you only three hours ago. No one could’ve… “ Oh, God. Unless they were already here.

I was surprised, but Kai wasn’t.

“It’s one of your guards,” I choked out.

“Yes,” he hissed.

His dark eyes were nearly black now. The promise of death lingered in the air, filling the room.

“Kai…” My throat closed in on itself, around that boulder. “He knows. My father knows I’m alive.”

That really started to sink in.

My vision blurred. Spots flashed around me.

I felt light-headed, and Kai began to swirl around me in a circle, the bed with him.

I was going to faint.

I realized what was happening, and then, it didn’t.

Kai caught me in his arms, carried me to the bed, and stayed with me.

I lost track of time after the first hour.


I woke up in a bed, but not one I recognized.

“Where am I?”

Brooke shifted in her seat and leaned forward. “You’re safe.”

“What do you mean safe?” A pause. It all flooded back.

“Kai said you almost fainted. He wanted you to sleep as long as possible.” Her hand covered mine. “You fainted before?”

“Yeah.” My throat felt scratchy.

“Jonah’s coming, but Kai talked to him on the phone. He said it was probably the shock of your father knowing about you and everything.” She patted my hand before inching her chair closer. “I’m so sorry, Riley. I really am. When I thought to go to you, I didn’t know any of this would happen, that Kai would pull you into this. But I should’ve. I was being selfish, and I feel horrible. I don’t know how to make it up to you, but I’ll try. I swear.” She sniffled. “I’ve been selfish.”

Yes. She had.

I looked away. Copyright 2016 - 2024