Bennett Mafia - Tijan Page 0,5

how powerful the Bennett family was—and by Bennett family, I really mean The Bennett Family.

They were mafia, and they were ruthless.

Brooke had gotten word that her father and brother were coming to visit her.

We had visitor days at Hillcrest, but for Brooke to be pulled out of class and be waiting for them on the front steps of the school wasn’t normal. If a family called ahead, they would have the student waiting for them, but usually in her room, not the front steps. And not with her roommate/best friend acting as a source of support.

Brooke had been pale when I pushed open those doors, hunched over with her arms wrapped around her knees. She’d lifted her head to look at me, and I saw tears streaks on her face. They were fresh.

Even as I sat beside her, she couldn’t stop crying to talk. A gurgling sound had come out of her throat when she tried, so eventually I’d just told her it’d be fine.

I’d had no idea what would be fine, but I didn’t know what else to say.

I’d pulled her into my arms, cleaned off the streaked mascara and tears, and stroked her hair and back. We sat there for forty-five minutes. The bell rang, and I tensed, knowing some of the girls would come out to see what was going on. A few of the classrooms had windows facing where we were so I had no doubt they’d seen us.

When no one came out, I glanced back.

The headmistress and three other instructors were there, their arms wide, blocking people from coming to us. I saw them shoo the others away until the next class started, and even then, the headmistress had stayed.

She looked at me, and I saw her fear.

It was brief and gone so quickly, but it stuck deep in me.

Thinking back on it now, I realized that’d been the first time I felt afraid of Kai Bennett. There’d been an uneasiness when Brooke talked about him, or because she wouldn’t talk about him. She talked about Cord. She was proud of him. She gushed about Tanner, and she adored Jonah. But Kai? There was a tension. She’d been scared of him.

Before, I had only thought she—I didn’t know what I’d thought. I hadn’t, I guess. I’d just known there was an air of mystery around him, and though I’d tried not to be, in a reverse kind of way, I had been the most fascinated with him.

Out of their whole family, Kai Bennett was the most.

He was the best looking.

He had their dark and hypnotic eyes, but they were more with him. More smoldering. More hypnotic. More powerful.

More alluring.

He had the same facial features as the others—a perfect, lush mouth, as if formed just for kissing. And he had the body of a professional soccer player or surfer. There wasn’t an inch of softness in his pictures, and I felt my face flushing even now as I remembered how often his picture had captivated me. It had been his face that I studied the most, dreamed about the most, and fantasized about the most.

But that day he had killed it.

When their cars pulled into the school’s two-mile driveway, Brooke had stood. Moments later, she’d buckled.

I’d caught her, an arm around her to hold her upright, and she’d begun to shake.

She kept hiccupping as she sobbed, but she faced forward the whole time. She never turned away. Her hand gripped mine until it went numb.

A black SUV pulled up to the school and rolled forward.

A second SUV stopped right in front of us.

A third SUV parked behind it.

A fourth lingered in the driveway, partially blocking anyone else from pulling up if they had tried.

I wasn’t prepared for the spectacle that came after that.

All of the doors had opened at once.

The drivers of all four cars got out and stood guard.

Then the passenger doors opened, and more guards emerged, taking point.

The only two doors that had remained closed were the back two on the SUV right in front of us. The second SUV.

Two guards approached. They went to each side of the second vehicle, and as one, as if they’d rehearsed (and they might’ve), they opened the doors.

An older man wearing a suit stepped out of the door closest to us. He wasn’t tall; he was average height—maybe around five eight?—and he had a full head of graying dark hair. I saw the same eyes, the same chin that Brooke had, the same face as hers and Copyright 2016 - 2024