Beneath the Stars (Falling Stars #4) - A.L. Jackson Page 0,8

in exchange for a place to stay.

It wasn’t like Royce would leave me homeless, anyway. But I was tired of him having to rescue me.

A tender smile pulled at the edge of Emily’s mouth, her joy full and real. I inhaled it, held onto the hope of it.

“Then maybe this was exactly the way it was supposed to be.” She reached out so she could squeeze my hand.

Before she had a chance to glimpse at what was on my screen, I flipped my phone over. The last thing I wanted was for her to discover my little obsession with the bassist of her band.

I reached for her and squeezed back. “I think you’re right.”

Royce grunted. “Just stay away from handsy assholes, yeah?”

“You mean that as in one particular asshole?” I pushed.

He shrugged. “If it fits.”

“Says the guy who has his whole wild, unruly band comin’ to record with us in a couple weeks?” Emily asked, a tease lilting her voice.

So A Riot of Roses was known as being exactly that—a riot. Royce’s three oldest friends were untamed and a little unhinged.

But I’d never gotten a malicious vibe from them.

They were good guys who’d done some dumb things.

“Awesome. Now you’re really tryin’ to give me a heart attack,” he said with a feigned scowl.

“Just tellin’ it like it is.”

“And let’s not forget that I’m not twelve,” I told him, not sure if I wanted to laugh or if I was actually annoyed.

But that was the thing when you were twenty and had never even been kissed.

Your naivety and vulnerability showed.

My heart lurched as the memory assaulted me. Rhys so close. Those big, big hands on my body. His mouth a breath away. His spirit surrounding me. His need palpable.

I’d been sure.

So sure.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Royce smirked. “You might not be twelve anymore, but you’ll always be my baby sister.”

“You know, I will meet a man one day.” No harm in taunting my overprotective big brother a little.

“And he’ll meet all the criteria.” Royce lifted a hand in the air and started ticking off his fingers. “One, he’s gotta be a nerd. The awkward type. Pose no threat. Two…he needs to be smart. A professor or a doctor or some shit like that. Three…he’s never been in trouble—not even a ticket. Slow and safe. Four…he has to love his mama.” He lifted his thumb on the last. “Oh…and a virgin. Let’s not forget that.”

I rolled my eyes. “I am quite sure that man does not exist.”

Besides, he wasn’t the man. The man who made me shiver and shake. The one who currently had my insides twisted in a fist. At least he had one thing going for him—there was no question he loved his mama.

“Fine by me.”

Emily swatted him on the side of the arm. “You stop it. And would you watch your mouth. Our Amelia here has sensitive ears.”

His brow lifted toward the sky. “She’s six weeks old.”

“And you think she doesn’t hear you? Look at her little mouth twisting every time she hears your voice.”

“Fine. I’ll find better things to do with my mouth.” He leaned over and started running kisses along Emily’s neck.

I ducked my gaze and tried not to blush when I felt the roll of need and love billow through the air.

It was beautiful, but I definitely didn’t need to bear witness to it.

Emily giggled and Royce rumbled something I couldn’t make out before he pulled away, still angled to the side but twisting his attention so he was facing me.

Any playfulness had been wiped from his face. “I respect you, Maggie. Know you’re grown and you’ve got to do your own thing. But promise me one thing…promise you’ll keep your distance from Rhys. He’s trouble…the kind of trouble you don’t need.”

Worry heaved from his spirit.

And I knew he was right.

Rhys was trouble.

A danger to my soul. A threat to my heart that was barely mending. The scars so deep.

“I promise,” I forced out, not sure if it was a lie.

Royce nodded. “Good.”

He sat back in his seat, and Emily sent me a covert glance.

Her green eyes full of knowing concern.

Like she held a secret of mine.

Meeting her gaze, I attempted an indifferent smile. The one she returned was sympathetic.

Royce shifted around and sat forward.

Emily’s voice was soft though running with an undercurrent of fortitude. “And I need you to remember something, too, Royce…Rhys is one of my best friends. Like a brother to me. I know up until a few months ago, you’d Copyright 2016 - 2024