Beneath the Stars (Falling Stars #4) - A.L. Jackson Page 0,21

shoulder and then stumbled back, smacking his hands together. “It’s on. A thousand bucks, baby.” The gesture he made at himself was playfully arrogant. “Prepare to be schooled, oh young one.”

Ash hopped onto the middle of the island. Shoes and all.

Ash’s wife, Willow, groaned as she pressed the heel of her hand to her forehead. “Don’t you think you’re gettin’ too old for this?”

He sent her a waggish grin. “Too old? Come now, Peaches. This boy right here is in his prime.”

“Just don’t break a hip.” This from Zee, Sunder’s drummer, the guy nursing a beer where he was leaned up against the opposite counter.

Richard hopped up beside Ash, all smiles and cockiness. “I’ll try not to show you up too badly, old man. Don’t want you to have to suffer the embarrassment.”

Lyrik stepped to the bar, pulled out his wallet, and made a big show of slapping a bill onto the granite. “Got a Benjamin this newbie can’t make a fool outta my boy.”

Leif came up beside him and tossed two bills onto the pile. “I’ll see you and double it.”

Music thrummed, the lights dim, everyone’s faces full of their smiles and laughter. Some moved in to pay attention to the commotion in the kitchen while others paid no mind, clearly accustomed to the antics.

Lyrik took out a wad of cash, tattooed fingers fanning it out. “Easy money, baby. Bring it.”

Lyrik’s wife, Tamar, grinned behind her champagne flute. She was all leather and sex and red-slicked lips. Covered in ink. She looked like a modern-day pin-up. Gorgeous to the extreme.

“The balls on these boys,” she teased above the mayhem, angling up to slip her arm around her husband’s waist from behind. “Someone run and get the measuring stick…I feel what’s coming next.”

Lyrik shifted to drape an arm around her shoulders, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “Now why would I go and embarrass my friends like that? No competition, Baby Blue.”

Her smirk was even bigger than his when she tipped her face up to look at him. “Maybe I just need a little reminder.”

“Ahh…there’s my Red. I do think that can be arranged.”

“All right…time to prove it,” Baz said. “You two ready?”

“Yup. Let’s do this.”

“Hells yeah!”

“Go,” Baz shouted, and Richard and Ash flipped into handstands. Everyone cheered and started throwing in their own bets.

They were having a blast.


I couldn’t settle into it.

Into the festivity.

I felt like an outsider. Like I was floating around the perimeter witnessing it all through a fuzzy pane of glass.

My conscience wouldn’t allow me to look away, to pretend like everything was just fine, when things clearly weren’t for Rhys.

A buzz of nerves rippling through my body, I slipped through the fray and wound toward the back doors.

Feeling like I was on a covert mission.

A forbidden endeavor.

I was almost there when someone grabbed my hand.

Suppressing a yelp, I whirled around to find my brother staring back. I heaved out a breath of relief. “Royce.”

He gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “Hey…you good, Mag Pie?”

He looked like he was regretting bringing me here all over again.

“Sorry. Yeah. You just startled me.”

He frowned, his dark eyes flashing severity. “Someone make you uncomfortable?”

There he was.

My overprotector.

If he only knew what I’d gotten myself into, he’d lose his mind. Would probably pack me in bubble wrap and lock me in a padded safe.

I smiled at him, half in affection, half in annoyance. “I’m fine, Royce. There’s just a lot of people in here, and I thought I’d get some fresh air. I think the ocean might be calling to me.”

“You want company?”

No doubt, he’d ditch the party without a thought.

With my free hand, I reached out and squeezed his upper arm. “No. I’m great. Honest. Go. Be with your wife. You’re supposed to be celebrating her.”

He glanced back into the room where Emily was with Violet. The two of them were sharing some kind of sweet secret. Smiles stretched across their faces.

Love pulsed, my heart squeezing in a deep, adoring beat. I was overcome with the happiness I felt for these two women who had become sisters to me.

“You sure?” Royce asked.

“I promise.”

A sigh pilfered from his nose. “Just…be careful.”

I rolled my eyes and let the tease glide free. “I’m fine. It’s not like Baz doesn’t have everyone’s name signed in blood here.”

Every person involved in the making of this album had been required to sign an NDA, including me.

The artists and timing secret.

It offered a little privacy, even though these things often got leaked, considering Copyright 2016 - 2024