Beneath the Stars (Falling Stars #4) - A.L. Jackson Page 0,17


Out of sight. Out of mind. Out of reach.


I followed Baz through the crush toward the opposite side of the island in the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of Jager from the bar on the way, along with some shot glasses. He lined them up on the island and poured the liquid out over them.

I quirked a brow. “Looks like someone wants to get rowdy.”

Lyrik West, Sunder’s lead guitarist, broke away from the conversation he was having and planted his hands on the island, dude as dark and menacing as the drink. “Don’t question it, brother. It’s tradition. You want in?” he asked as he lifted his glass.

“You know I do.”

This was exactly what I needed. That and a warm body that wanted a nice, hard fuck.

I swiped up the glass Baz offered. I was feeling one-hundred-fifty-percent better until I felt the air stir.

My gaze drawn.

It darted directly for the stairs where the woman was descending from the second floor.

Sight of her hitched my breath and set a bomb off in my senses.

Eyes racing to take in every delicious inch.

Fingers itching to touch.

Girl wore a slinky white dress that looked like silk and clung to her curves.

Strappy heels and all that curious innocence on her face.


That’s exactly what I was—stunned.

Frozen and staring.

Baz broke me out of the haze when he shouted over the din, “All right, everyone, bring it in…I’d like to officially kick off tonight’s party by recognizing those we are here to celebrate.”

Conversations trailed off and someone turned down the music.

Everyone crowded in toward the kitchen.

Maggie hit the landing and edged into the fray. But she was looking at me when she did, wearing a soft, coy smile that looked like she had a secret dancing on her lips.

Baz and Lyrik passed out shot glasses to those partaking, while two servers moved through the crowd refilling champagne flutes.

I kept trying not to steal peeks of Maggie while the rest of my band moved in closer, huddling around me where I stood next to Baz.

Baz lifted his glass over his head. “Just wanted to say a couple things. Emily, Richard, Rhys, Leif…” He gestured to each of us as he went. “Having been in a band for many years myself—”

The rest of Sunder chanted, “Sunder, Sunder, Sunder!” drumming their hands on the island.

Baz grinned. “Alright, assholes, let’s try not to steal someone else’s thunder, yeah?”

“We are the thunder,” Ash cracked.

“Not today, bro, a new storm is in town, and this one rolled in from the country. A little tornado, anyone?” I tossed right back, gesturing at myself as I let my gaze jump over the smiling faces.

Of course, it went straight for one.

Redness flushed her cheeks.

So damned pretty.

Baz chuckled. “Have no doubt you’re going to bring on a storm, Rhys. Betting the bank on it, actually. Bettin’ on all of you.” He pointed at each of us with the hand he had wrapped around his glass.

“I know firsthand the work it takes to be standing in the spot you are today. The sacrifices that are made. The loves that are lost and some of the dreams you have to let go in order to have the strength to chase down another. But I knew years ago that Carolina George was something special when I first heard you play at Charlie’s right here in Savannah. There was no question you had what it took. There was a quality to your music that stilled hearts and quieted people’s souls. It was clear you had a message that needed to be told.”

He cleared his throat, still looking between each of us. “Never could have imagined the turn of events that would lead us here today, that I would actually have the honor of getting to represent you, to come along beside you to help you become everything you are destined to be. But I can say I am grateful for it, and that I’m going to do everything in my power to guarantee your success.”

I glanced around at my crew.

Could physically feel the excitement stirring through their spirits.

Baz lifted his glass higher. “To Carolina George, on this day that marks a new beginning…may the music pour from your souls, may your inspiration never run dry, and may you never stop until you touch the stars.”

Shouts and cheers and clinking glasses erupted, and I was grinning like mad as I toasted my bandmates and they toasted me.

Because this…this was what I was supposed to be working toward. What I was purposed for. There Copyright 2016 - 2024