A Bend in the Road - By Nicholas Sparks Page 0,29

could say anything else, however, a loud roar went up and both of them turned to see Jonah break away from the pack, charge down the field, and kick yet another goal, this one to tie the score. As Jonah’s teammates surged around him, Miles and Sarah stood together on the sidelines, both of them clapping and cheering for the same young boy.

“Did you enjoy it?” Miles asked. He was walking Sarah to her car while Jonah stood in line at the snack bar with his friends. The game had been won by Jonah’s team, and after the game, Jonah had run up to Sarah to ask her if she’d seen his goal. When she’d answered that she had, Jonah had beamed and given her a hug before scrambling off to join his friends. Miles, surprisingly, had been all but ignored, though the fact that Jonah was fond of Sarah—and vice versa—left him feeling strangely satisfied.

“It was fun,” she admitted. “I wish I could have been here for the whole thing, though.”

In the early afternoon sunlight, her skin glowed beneath the tan she still carried from the summer.

“It’s fine. Jonah was simply glad you showed up.” He glanced at her sideways. “So what’s on your agenda the rest of the day?”

“I’m meeting my mom for lunch downtown.”


“Fred & Clara’s? It’s a little place just around the corner from where I live.”

“I know the place. It’s great.”

They reached her car, a red Nissan Sentra, and Sarah started rummaging through her handbag for her keys. As she searched for them, Miles found himself staring at her. With the sunglasses perched neatly on her nose, she looked more like the city girl she was than someone from the country. Add to that the faded jeans shorts and long legs, and she sure didn’t look like any teacher Miles had ever had growing up.

Behind them, a white pickup truck began backing out. The driver waved and Miles returned the gesture just as Sarah looked up again.

“You know him?”

“It’s a small town. It seems like I know everyone.”

“That must be comforting.”

“Sometimes it is, other times it isn’t. If you’ve got secrets, this isn’t the place for you, that’s for sure.”

For a moment, Sarah wondered if he was talking about himself. Before she could dwell on it, Miles went on.

“Hey, I want to thank you again for everything you’re doing for Jonah.”

“You don’t have to thank me every time you see me.”

“I know. It’s just that I’ve noticed a big change in him these last few weeks.”

“So have I. He’s catching up pretty quickly, even faster than I thought he would. He actually started reading aloud in class this week.”

“I’m not surprised. He’s got a good teacher.”

To Miles’s surprise, Sarah actually blushed. “He’s got a good father, too.”

He liked that.

And he liked the look she’d given him when she’d said it.

As if uncertain what to do next, Sarah fiddled with her keys. She selected one and unlocked her front door. As she swung the door open, Miles stepped back slightly.

“So, how much longer do you think he’ll need to keep staying after school?” he asked.

Keep talking. Don’t let her leave yet.

“I’m not sure yet. A while, for sure. Why? Do you want to start cutting back a little?”

“No,” he continued. “I was just curious.”

She nodded, waiting to see if he’d add anything else, but he didn’t. “Okay,” she finally said. “We’ll keep going like we are and see how he’s doing in another month. Is that all right?”

Another month. He’d continue to see her for at least that long. Good.

“Sounds like a plan,” he agreed.

For a long moment neither of them said anything, and in the silence Sarah glanced at her watch. “Listen, I’m running a little late,” she said apologetically, and Miles nodded.

“I know—you’ve got to go,” he said, not wanting her to leave just yet. He wanted to keep talking. He wanted to learn everything he could about her.

What you really mean is that it’s time to ask her out.

And no chickening out this time. No hanging up the phone, no putzing around.

Bite the bullet!

Be a man!

Go for it!

He steeled himself, knowing he was ready... but... but... how should he do it? Good Lord, it had been a long time since he had been in a situation like this. Should he suggest dinner or lunch? Or maybe a movie? Or...? As Sarah started to climb in her car, his mind was sorting and searching frantically, trying to come up with ways to prolong her

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