Behind the Red Door - Megan Collins Page 0,4

turns out to be appendicitis. He won’t retreat to his office as soon as I return from the hospital, wearing a bandage I’ll struggle to change on my own. He won’t imply that I’m wasting his time simply by wanting his care.

To Eric, stories like these are enough to warrant me never going home again. He calls what I went through child neglect. But I’ve seen true neglect, gone to fly-infested houses where parents are passed out with needles in their arms, a diapered five-year-old eating cat food while his sister cries in the nurse’s office at school. Whatever I endured with Ted and Mara—it’s miles away from that. No one from Cedar Public Schools or child services ever came to our house.

“Wow, you really are distracted,” Eric says now. “Is everything okay?”

I have to say something, but everything’s a minefield. I look at the Band-Aid on my wrist, and it’s as if I can hear my wound whispering beneath it. After Eric patched me up, I read the Wikipedia page for Astrid Sullivan. It did nothing to clarify where I’ve met her before, but I’ve added sedatives and blindfolds to my list.

“I keep thinking about that woman,” I finally say. “Astrid.”

Eric stretches out his arm so I can burrow into him. “Yeah, it’s crazy,” he says. “But I’m sure they’ll find her soon.”

“You don’t know that.”

“No. I don’t. But they found her last time.”

Only because whoever took her brought her back. Dragged her from the basement where he’d kept her. Tied a black sash around her eyes, plunged a syringe into her veins, left her on the side of the road like trash. I shiver against Eric, and he rubs the goose bumps flecking my arm.

“There weren’t any witnesses, right?” I ask. “Twenty years ago?”

“To her kidnapping? No. That was the whole problem.”

“And no one saw who brought her back?”

“No. She just—reappeared,” he says.

I shake my head against his chest. “I feel like…”

He tucks my hair behind my ear, then massages my scalp. “Feel like what?”

“Like I’ve seen her before. In person. Like I actually knew her.”

Eric’s hand goes still. “She lived almost fifty miles away, Bird. Have you ever even been to Foster?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “Maybe. But—”

“Don’t you think you’d remember if someone you knew was kidnapped?”

“Not if I didn’t know she got kidnapped.” When Eric doesn’t respond right away, I keep going. “I told you, I have no memory of that story. So if I knew her but didn’t—or even if I did—hear about the kidnapping, maybe it… I’ve had students who—you know, there’s some trauma or they find out about something—and they can’t even—”

“Fern.” He uses my real name because he wants to make sure I’m paying attention.


“You’re spiraling.”

This is what he says whenever my thoughts get away from me. I picture a marble shooting through an endlessly curving slide, corkscrewing down and down along a tube so smooth there isn’t any friction to stop it. Dr. Lockwood has offered me another metaphor. “Think of your brain as a record,” she’s said. “Sometimes the needle gets stuck, and the record begins to skip. It keeps coming back to this one little nanosecond of a song, plays it over and over again. That, right there, is your anxiety. It’s telling you that you have to stay on this thought. But it’s a lie. You can actually train yourself to move the needle, set it on top of another thought altogether and keep on going.”

Sometimes these images help. Sometimes I can picture myself plucking the marble from the slide, the needle from the record, and I can carry on, calmer than before. Other times, like right now, my nerves still feel like wires buzzing with electricity.

“You’re right,” I say to Eric. It’s our last night together for at least a week. I don’t want to ruin it by spiraling. “I’m sorry.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. I know the news kind of freaked you out. But like I said, her picture’s been everywhere. You must have seen it at some point.”

I tilt my face toward his, kiss his bottom lip. “I know. You’re right,” I say again. Girls who disappear. Girls who can’t remember. “Let’s get back to what we were doing before, okay?”

“Yeah?” He smiles a little, his fingers skimming my skin. “How much before?”

I put my hand on his cheek, feel the dark stubble he’ll shave off in the morning. Then I cup the back of his neck and pull him so close that, Copyright 2016 - 2024