Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,14

She released his arm as they entered the Pump Room and led the way towards Mrs Wilby. Her aunt was part of a lively group standing in the curved recess at one end of the room but as Susannah approached the crowd dispersed, leaving Aunt Maude alone to receive them.

‘There you are, Aunt. I hope we have not kept you waiting.’

‘In no wise.’ Mrs Wilby’s smile encompassed them all. ‘I have had a delightful time with my friends.’

‘And drinking the waters, ma’am?’ suggested the viscount.

Mrs Wilby made a face.

‘Ugh, nasty stuff. I never touch it. Tea is my favoured drink here, my lord.’

‘Indeed?’ Lord Markham raised his brows as his glance flickered over Susannah. ‘I thought—’

‘Oh heavens, is that the time?’ Susannah interrupted him hurriedly, looking at the long-case clock by the wall. ‘I hope I do not rush you, Aunt, but Kate and I have an appointment in Henrietta Street later, so we should be on our way back to the Crescent to take breakfast. It is quite a long walk.’

‘We will accompany you!’ declared Gerald promptly.

‘No, no, I will not hear of it,’ replied Susannah firmly. ‘There can be no need of a gentleman’s escort when there are three of us and besides,’ she added with an arch look, ‘how are we to discuss our little secrets if you come with us?’ She held out her hand. ‘We will say goodbye here, if you please.’

‘But I have barely had time to exchange a word with you,’ objected Gerald.

‘Nor have you,’ agreed Mrs Wilby, her kind heart touched by the young man’s despondent look. ‘Perhaps you would like to join us for tea tomorrow afternoon? It is nothing special, of course. We stand on no ceremony, just a few close friends who drop by for a comfortable coze, but you are very welcome to come. And Lord Markham, too, if he would like.’

‘Lord Markham would like, very much,’ said Jasper, amused by Susannah’s obvious disapproval. Those hazel eyes of hers darkened to brown and he read objection in every line of her body, although of course she could not contradict her aunt. He took her hand. ‘Adieu, Miss Prentess. I shall look forward to taking tea with you tomorrow.’

‘Not if you are going to cut me out,’ declared Gerald, half-laughing, half-serious.

‘He will not do that, you may be sure, Ger...Mr Barnabus.’ Susannah’s soft words and warm look killed Jasper’s amusement in an instant. He was still holding her hand and his fingers tightened angrily. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and innocent. ‘My lord?’

Jasper caught his breath. That remark was not for Gerald’s benefit but for his. So the minx wanted to cross swords, did she? A touch of uncertainty entered her gaze. Jasper bowed over her hand in his most courtly style. As his lips brushed her fingers they trembled in his grasp. The lady was not as confident as she would have him believe.

Jasper waited for the spurt of triumph to accompany the thought. It did not come. Instead he was aware of a sudden tenderness, a desire to press that little hand against his heart and assure her of his protection. Shaken, he straightened and released her.

‘That worked out very well,’ commented Gerald, as they watched the ladies walk away. ‘This must be down to you, Jasper. Mrs Wilby has never invited me to take tea before.’

‘Then I hope you are satisfied.’

‘Very. Only, it makes it pretty clear that Mrs Wilby would prefer you as a match for Susannah.’

‘Would that matter to you?’ Jasper asked him. ‘Have you set your heart on marrying her?’

‘Oh, well, you know, she has already told me that she can never think of me as anything other than a friend, but I hope that when she comes to know me better—but she is so good, she is not one to raise false hopes in a fellow.’

‘You know, Gerald, I wonder if Miss Prentess is quite the paragon you make her out to be.’

His cousin laughed at that.

‘Oh but she is, Jasper. Good, kind—a veritable angel. She is quite, quite perfect.’

Jasper shook his head.

‘My poor deluded boy, when you know as much about women as I do you will know there is no such thing!’

‘My mother is convinced of that, certainly. Which reminds me, I had a note from her, asking me to visit. It is still early, I could go today, riding cross country would be a pleasure.’ He put his hand on Jasper’s shoulder. ‘And you can come Copyright 2016 - 2024