Beguiled (The Fairest Maidens #2) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,62

be moved. “Please, can we not live together in love and harmony? Is that not more important than wealth and prosperity?”

The queen didn’t bother looking at Ruby, almost as if Ruby didn’t exist. Instead, she narrowed her eyes upon me. Was she contemplating my warning?

“Send Ruby far away.” I had to take advantage of her indecision. “To Scania. I have made friends with Prince Mikkel and will ask him to take Ruby there and assure that she never returns to Warwick.”

“So all the princes of Scania have come to the Great Isle for their Testing.” The queen watched my face, gauging my reaction.

I kept my expression stoic. I couldn’t allow the queen to know just how much I cared about Mikkel. “Send Ruby to Scania with Prince Mikkel. In doing so, you will gain the empathy of the people, and at the same time, you need never worry about her again.”

The queen tapped one of her jeweled fingers against her lips. Even at the late hour, she was adorned with gems from the glittering emerald bracelets on her wrists to the sparkling diamonds in her ears. I couldn’t remember a time when I’d seen her without her opulent display.

“Very well,” the queen replied. “I shall consider your request. But first I should like to meet Prince Mikkel.”

So that she could lock him up?

“Invite him to the palace for a banquet.”

“There is no need for the trouble. We can send Ruby to him.”

“I cannot give him my daughter without assessing his willingness in so great a matter.” The queen spoke her lies so smoothly. Had anything she’d ever spoken to me contained truth?

“You need not assess him. He will do this if I but ask.”

Even as I fought to keep my feelings for him locked far out of her reach, her eyes narrowed and probed deeply. “We shall hold a banquet on the morrow. And you shall invite him to partake of the feast with us.”

I wanted to protest again, but I couldn’t, not without eliciting more suspicion. As it was, she had trapped me once more into doing her bidding. The glimmer in her eyes told me she knew it.

My only option for saving Ruby was to invite Mikkel into her clutches. The queen wouldn’t set me free—not if she needed my heart. But I would pray Mikkel’s offer of an alliance with Scania would satisfy her enough to allow him and Ruby their freedom.

And if she detained him with the hope of drawing Vilmar out of hiding? She might be able to confine him a short while, but she would have to set him free erelong.

Truly, I had no concern over what became of me, as long as Ruby and Mikkel were safe.

As if sensing my conclusion, the queen waved a hand at one of her guards. “Take Princess Pearl to her chambers. Once she has written an invitation to Prince Mikkel, bring it to me so I might also add a personal note. We want him to know he is indeed most welcome here in Warwick.”

I didn’t resist as the guards drew up alongside me and took my knife. Before they could usher me away, I pressed a hand against Ruby’s cheek, silently imploring her to remain strong no matter what the future held.

She placed her hand over mine, her eyes assuring me we would get through this together. She’d grown taller over the year I’d been gone. At twelve years of age she was almost my height—and almost as brave.

The queen spun and glided from the room, pausing in the doorway. “See that the servants draw a bath for Princess Pearl and make her as beautiful as possible for the feast.” She smiled at me over her shoulder. “After all, why not give the prince more incentive to do as you request?”

My stomach rolled with growing unease. Did the queen think she could use my beauty to manipulate Mikkel? Had she guessed we had a relationship that went beyond friendship? What she didn’t know was that Mikkel would feel betrayed and hurt when he realized I’d been lying to him about my deformities. It would diminish his feelings for me, not increase them.

As the queen exited into the hallway, I allowed my shoulders to slump with despair. I prayed that after such betrayal, Mikkel would still be willing to take Ruby with him to Scania.


Gregor and I searched the city throughout the night, questioning everyone we met about whether they knew of another way into the castle, Copyright 2016 - 2024