Beguiled (The Fairest Maidens #2) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,14

had draped around my body. Although my arms and chest burned from my wounds, the rest of my body was cold from the dampness of the cave, and I was grateful for the covering.

My mind scrambled to remember everything that had happened. But my last memory was of the veiled woman stitching my wounds. “How long have I been unconscious?”

“Only a couple of hours.”

“What happened to Fowler?”

“They took him up above.”

“Is he free?”

“No, he’s been made a slave.”

I’d expected as much, since enslaving prisoners was the practice over in Blade’s camp. What I hadn’t counted on was raising their suspicions to the point that they would consider killing me.

At least I had a week to figure out how to keep myself and Gregor alive. What other tale could I spin? I’d already used the most plausible one and had no other ideas. Perhaps I needed to put my energy into devising an escape instead.

I tested my manacles, twisting and turning them.

“I’ve already tried to free myself,” Gregor said. “I can’t do it without a knife.”

“The one in your sole?”

“I took it out during the gauntlet and couldn’t get it back into my boot in time.”

The king’s weapons master had given us each knives to wear in secret compartments in the soles of our boots. Unfortunately, someone had stolen my boots early in our journey, and I’d had to make do with an old pair I’d purchased after offering myself as a laborer for hire.

Now that both Gregor and I had lost our concealed knives, we’d have a harder time liberating ourselves from our chains. Perhaps we would have to persuade one of the guards to aid us.

The scraping of the door overhead was followed by a slant of light that illuminated the cavern, revealing Gregor chained to the wall opposite me. His scarred face contained bruises like mine, but otherwise he appeared unharmed.

As the ladder descended, I realized that even if we happened to obtain a utensil that might unlock our manacles, we still would need the help of one of the guards to break free of the dungeon. And yet how could we convince any of them when we had nothing to exchange?

Dainty boots stepped onto the first rung and then the second. The veiled woman was coming back. Though her hose and breeches were mostly shielded by the long tunic she wore, I could still see too much of her shapely legs. As she climbed down and hopped to the ground, I tore my attention from her legs to the baskets looped over each arm. The waft of fish soup sent my stomach into a rolling growl.

She lifted her torch higher in my direction. “I see you’re finally awake.”

“Just in time.”

“Just in time for more doctoring?” Her tone contained a hint of teasing that seemed to lighten her eyes.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for—more needles digging through my flesh.”

She laughed, and the sound was soft and lilting behind her veil. I wished suddenly that I could see the way her lips curved up when she smiled. As though sensing my scrutiny, she dropped her gaze to one of her baskets.

Was it possible I could convince this woman to aid our escape? I sat up straighter, the prospect giving me renewed energy. Already she’d shown her willingness to help us. And she’d just laughed at my weak attempt at jesting. Could I make this woman like me enough in one week that she’d free us?

With her blemishes, perhaps she’d never had much flattery from men. And perhaps she’d relish having someone pay her attention. Such a strategy was worth a try, wasn’t it?

As she hooked the torch into the wall, I observed her more carefully. Her dark hair hung in a single thick braid down her back. The curve of a delicate ear showed above the veil as did the arch of a high cheekbone. Her long lashes and narrow brows served to highlight her stunning green eyes.

At one time, she’d likely been an exceptionally beautiful woman, which made her blemishes all the more tragic. No nobleman would ever be able to marry a woman with deformities, regardless of how much he might care for her. He would put himself and his family in danger of becoming an outcast with her.

As she placed the baskets on the floor, my mind spun with the various methods I could employ for winning her affection. A part of my conscience warned against using her this way. But another part whispered Copyright 2016 - 2024