Begin Again - Jennifer Probst Page 0,43

your dog has anymore puppies, or your mom gets another dog that keeps having puppies, I want you to call me. You see, baby animals need a lot of extra care and I can find good homes for all of them.”

“You mean even the sick ones don’t have to go to the woods?”

“That’s right. I’ll take care of the sick ones too. Are you able to use the phone on your own?”

The boy puffed up. “Sure, I’m seven already! I have a phone to do video games on but I know how to make a call.”

“Good. Take this card and put it someplace safe. I’d like it to be our secret, but I understand if you need to tell your mom. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

The boy nodded. “Okay, but I don’t need to tell Mama everything. I don’t think she likes the puppies like I do, anyway.”

“I don’t think so either. When you grow up, you’ll take care of your animals, right? They depend on us to treat them good and then they love us forever.”

“I promise.”

Owen gave him the card and Sam tucked it in his pocket. Then he took out fifty dollars and pressed it into the boy’s hands.

The woman rushed back, a big smile on her face. “All set?”

“Yes.” Owen didn’t thank her. Just nodded at Sam and scooped the puppy gently out of the box, cradling it against his broad chest. “Bye, Sam.”

“Bye, mister.”

They walked a few feet away and watched until the woman packed up and left with the boy. The puppy mewed in distress, pressing against Owen, who stroked his head with gentle fingers and murmured soothing phrases. His face reflected a fierce focus toward the vulnerable animal, a man intent on righting a wrong, a warrior and protector rolled into one. Like his grandfather.

And Chloe realized she still loved Owen Salt.

Maybe she’d never stopped.

“I think I just got myself a puppy,” he slowly said, looking at her with slight shock. “I wasn’t sure what to do, but I couldn’t let her take him back.”

“Neither could I.” She leaned in, creating a tight circle. “You were amazing, especially with Sam. We really had no other choice, did we?”

He sighed. “No. Let’s go introduce our new addition to the rest of the family and get a vet to look at that leg.” He shook his head. “But damn, he’s a cute one. And special. I can feel it.”

She stared at Owen, torn between hysterical laughter and tears as the walls she’d carefully built to keep him away crashed down around her. “Yes, he certainly is.”

They walked toward Mia and Ethan, and Chloe wondered why she already felt like they were a family.

Chapter Thirteen

“I can’t take the cuteness,” Harper said, watching the puppy toddle around the blanket, peering up at them. “Ophelia, please can’t we take him inside?”

“No. I’ve told you over and over, Harper, no animals in the inn. Guests can be allergic and dog hair gets everywhere. You know the rules.”

Owen swallowed a laugh as Harper gave a pissy grunt, eliciting Aidan to laugh and tug playfully at her hair. “Mo gra’ you’ll have all night to cuddle with him. Did you settle on a name yet, Owen?”

Harper had already volunteered to take the puppy overnight so Owen and Chloe could sleep at the inn. Jonathan and Alyssa were staying with Mia and Ehtan. Owen knew the pup would be in perfect hands.

“No. Figured Chloe can give me a hand with such an important task.”

“It has to be a Disney name, of course,” Chloe said. “To stay with tradition.”

All of the rescue animals at the Bishop farm were dubbed with names from Disney characters they all loved. They took the naming seriously, knowing once an animal received a name, the new identity represented a chance at a new life of happiness and care.

And a rebuilding of trust.

Harper had gone into full rescue mode and after a thorough vet visit, found the puppy had carpal hyperextension syndrome, caused by poor muscle tone. The condition was common in certain puppies. Thank God, it was nothing serious and would eventually heal on its own—the idea that a perfectly healthy puppy would’ve been dumped without thought burned through him, but he had to make peace with it or he’d explode.

It was something he’d learned well in animal law. So he rescued the ones he could, and that made a difference.

It had to be enough.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and glanced up. Chloe Copyright 2016 - 2024