Bee's Enraged Beast - Lacey Thorn Page 0,9

me. It was a vision but so much more. It was as if the man I saw was seeing me also. As if he looked through my eyes.

I moved my gaze around, sharing as much as I could of where I was. I stopped and focused on things I thought might help with location. I let my gaze touch Benji, still holding Cammy by her hair as she knelt before him begging. I zeroed in on Hutch then on to the two others with Benji. I wanted the man I was connecting with to know who was with me. Then I skimmed back to Benji’s face, holding his gaze.

“I’m coming for you. You sealed your fate when you took her. I’m going to bruise you. Break you. Make you bleed. Isn’t that what you told my mate?”

Benji’s gaze flared wide, and my heart beat like a jackrabbit in my chest. The man I’d connected with was inside me. Speaking through me. That had never happened. Never had a vision consumed me as this one did.

“No one can save you now. I’m coming for you. Coming for you.”

I wasn’t sure if the last was meant for Benji as a warning or for me as a promise, so I’d hold on. Fuck! These damn visions left me weak and disoriented. This one? It would leave me on my ass, scrambling to gain some control over my body and senses.

Only it didn’t. It was as if a cord were severed between me and the man. It clicked in place a moment too late for me to share awareness along the link. He was my mate. I’d made a connection with my mate, who I’d yet to even meet. He was gone as quickly as he’d arrived.

I blinked my eyes several times before focusing on Benji again. “Beware the enraged beast. He fights for love, and all will fall before him.”

I stood as a wave of energy restored me. I had no idea what had just occurred, but I swear my mate had shared some of his vitality with me.

Cammy took advantage of Benji’s distraction. She managed to jerk free, took two long strides and shifted mid-run. Hutch and one of the others were on her immediately. I screamed when her bones crunched. A startled yelp followed by a weak whimper and she was back in human skin, curled on her side with blood trickling from her mouth. I couldn’t see her face, but she was still. Too still. Had they broken her neck?

“No!” I screamed, jerking at the chain as I strained toward her. “Leave her alone. Come get me! I’m the one you want. Killing her won’t punish my brother. It won’t punish Taylor for taking Rebel.”

Her name snapped Benji out of whatever thoughts had held him still. He ran toward me, hitting me like a freight train and taking us both to the ground. I’d been prepared for him to come at me, but I’d expected some type of finesse to it. My mistake. Big mistake. My head slammed against the concrete, and he was on me before I caught my breath. Claws dug into my sides, bruising and drawing blood as he raked them over my skin. I threw my elbows up and out, working to break his hold as a scream of rage tore up my throat.

I kicked and clawed, giving as good as I got. He grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the cement again. Still, I fought. Fought as dizziness and nausea tried to suck me under. He ripped my shirt down the middle then bent lower and bit, narrowly missing my breast as I jerked to the side. I felt the puncture of his teeth and screamed as he ripped them free, taking my flesh with him. I used my elbow again, banging it against his jaw and the side of his face in a bid to shove him away. We rolled and fought, and somehow, I forgot about the damn chain until he had it in his hands, using it to bend my leg at an impossible angle.

“Die, you fucking bitch!” he screamed. I heard the snap seconds before I felt the excruciating pain rip through my body.

The sounds I made then were guttural, more animal than human as my wolf fought to be let free. I couldn’t now, though. The broken bone would make her weak as she tried to repair muscle, tendon, and bone. Weak and vulnerable. She’d be easy to Copyright 2016 - 2024