Bee's Enraged Beast - Lacey Thorn Page 0,6

from me.

“Explains why you showed no fear of me,” the guy muttered to Cici before turning his full attention on me. “I pulled the video. Looks like my instincts were right. I shouldn’t have let her leave with them.”

“Tell me,” I demanded, the words almost garbled as my wolf tried to press free of human skin.

“Video indicates she was looking for an exit when the other woman stopped her. They were surrounded by the four men and made their way across to the door I stood at.” He shook his head, frustration pouring off him. “She said she needed air. Fuck! She said she needed air, and I let them fucking leave.”

“You couldn’t have stopped them,” Cici interjected. “You—”

“Cici!” I barked, interrupting whatever she might have said. My attention was seriously splintered. “What did the camera out here show?”

“The second woman seemed to pass out. The man beside her scooped her up in his arms. The first woman turned to check, then she went down. I don’t think she passed out, though. The guy with her. Benji. She called him Benji. He picked her up then tossed her into the back of their SUV, the trunk area. He leaned in, and it looks like he struck her a few times.” The guy paused as he stared at me, and only then was I cognizant of the growls emanating from my throat. “When he ducked back out, he was holding the side of his head, fingers cupped over his ear. It looked like blood stained his shirt there.” He tapped his fingers along his collar bone to show where. “He and the others got in the vehicle and drove out of the lot. They headed east.”

“What’s east of here?” I demanded.

“Industrial section of town. Lots of factories and storage containers. The farther you go, the more rundown it gets. Lots of abandoned buildings out that way. Your sister talked me into waiting for you, but after what I saw, I need to head in and put a call into the cops—”

I interrupted that thought by jerking him to me, so our noses were practically touching. “No cops. Understood?”

He still showed no fear. It made me question if he knew more than he let on. I didn’t sense he was a part of what had happened, but something told me, he might know a few things about wolves and how to deal with one who was close to snapping.

He held his hands out wide, palms up. “No cops. Now, what can I do to help?”

I thought for a minute. The only way to get rid of him would be by giving him a task. One that didn’t involve calling humans into wolf business.

“I need you to make a call for me. Cici, do you have the number for Bastion James?” I knew she did. She’d have written it down before chasing after me. Someone needed to nail her feet to one place, so she’d stop looking for trouble.

She gave a quick jerk of her head as he answered, “I have James’ number.”

Interesting. Definitely human and there was no mating scent on him. Yet, he had a number to reach out to the alpha of the local wolf pack. Seemed Mom and I weren’t the only ones who had a liking for humans. It also meant I could trust Cici with him.

“Go with him and call. You’ll know what to say. I’m trusting you, Cici.”

She knew I spoke of more than the phone call. I trusted her not to let the human at her side know more than he should. She could play it however she wanted.

Then I focused on him again, letting the growl fill my voice. “If my sister’s harmed in any way—”

“I’ve got him, Han. What else do you need?” Cici interrupted, stepping between us, forcing me to take a step back.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me until I was satisfied with the distance between us and the man.

“He can’t be involved in this.”

“Walt?” She glanced back at the man. “He’s cool. Plus, he obviously knows the alpha here. He’ll keep his lips sealed. Now, what do you need from me once I’ve made the call?”

“I need you to stay here and stay safe,” I bit out, though I knew I couldn’t trust her to protect her own ass.

“There are four of them.” She held up her hand when I would have interrupted. “I know you can handle those four just fine, what about the women? What Copyright 2016 - 2024